Purchase Region Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

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Purchase Region Entrepreneurial Ecosystem by Mind Map: Purchase Region Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

1. Regional Services

1.1. Western Region ICC

1.2. Murray / Paducah SBDC

1.3. EntrePaducah

1.4. PADD Business Lending and Development Services Dept.

1.5. Purchase Area SCORE

2. State-Wide Services

2.1. Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation

2.2. Kentucky SBDC

2.2.1. KyBizInfo

2.3. Kentucky SCORE

2.4. Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development

2.4.1. Department for Commercialization and Innovation (DCI)

2.5. Kentucky Council for Post-Secondary Education

3. Non-Bank Funding Sources

3.1. Kentucky Enterprise Fund

3.2. Rural Innovation Fund

3.3. Kentucky New Energy Ventures

3.4. PADD Lending Programs

3.5. DCI High-Tech Funding Programs

4. Regional Higher Education

4.1. Murray State University

4.2. West Kentucky Community & Technical College

4.3. Mid-Continent University

4.4. Daymar College

5. Incubators / Facilities

5.1. The Murray State Regional Business and Innovation Center

6. Chambers of Commerce & EDOs

6.1. Ballard County Chamber of Commerce

6.2. Ballard County Economic & Industrial Development Board

6.3. Murray-Calloway Economic Development Corporation

6.4. Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce

6.5. Carlisle County Industrial Development Authority

6.6. Fulton/Hickman County Economic Development Partnership

6.7. Twin Cities Chamber of Commerce

6.8. Hickman Chamber of Commerce

6.9. Clinton-Hickman Chamber of Commerce

6.10. Graves Growth Alliance Inc

6.11. Mayfield & Graves County Chamber of Commerce

6.12. Marshall County Economic Development

6.13. Marshall County Chamber of Commerce

6.14. Greater Paducah Economic Development Council

6.15. Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce

7. Events

7.1. Small Business Expo

7.2. EntreForum

7.3. Entrepreneurial Advancement Series

7.4. POINT