Innovation Management with Mindmeister and Onepoint Project

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Innovation Management with Mindmeister and Onepoint Project por Mind Map: Innovation Management  with  Mindmeister and Onepoint Project

1. Innovation is an idea in action

2. Definition of Innovation

3. Innovation Drivers

4. Collective Intelligence

5. Idea Management

6. Ideas = Unlimited Competitive Advantage

7. Mindmeister/Onepoint Approach

7.1. Focus

7.2. Process

7.3. Collaboration

7.4. People-centric

7.5. How it works

8. Key Principles of Successful Idea Management

8.1. Focus initiatives on specific business issues

8.2. Launch timely periodic campaigns

8.3. Selectively involve wide audiences

8.4. Stimulate interaction

8.5. Follow a structured review process

8.6. Foster user involvement

8.7. Recognize contributions

8.8. Run Idea Management initiatives as projects

9. Overview of an Idea Management Project

9.1. Requirements and decisions prior to launch

9.2. Preparations for launch

9.3. During the event

9.4. Closing the event