"Personal Network" NETWORK
by Phil O'Brien
1. Daniel Birke
1.1. Daniel-Birke.com
2. Mia de Kuijper
2.1. Profit Power Economics
3. Marc Smith
3.1. Connected Action blog
4. Bill Petti
4.1. Signal/Noise Blog
5. Dr. Ivan Misner
5.1. Networking Like a Pro
6. Mitch Joel
6.1. Six Pixels of Separation
7. Mark Granovetter
7.1. The Strength of Weak Ties
8. Liz Dow
8.1. Six Degrees of Connection
9. Gayle Hallgren-Rezac
9.1. Work the Pond
10. Tim Sanders
10.1. "Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends"
11. Mrs. Moneypenny
11.1. FT
12. Keith Ferrazzi
12.1. Never Eat Alone
12.2. Who's got your back?
13. Manuel Lima
13.1. Visual Complexity
14. Stephen Downes
14.1. Half an Hour Blog
15. Chris Brogan
15.1. Trust Agents
16. Albert-László Barabási
16.1. Linked
17. Malcolm Gladwell
17.1. The Tipping Point