1. how to get new farmers on the shore?
1.1. What will the average age of farmers be?
1.1.1. 65 but people are living longer
1.2. grow them? unemployed got Farm Shares?
1.2.1. need to include knowledge base and technology support
1.3. we need to find incentives to producing food for humans
1.3.1. land zoned for farming- not housing developments we will need to work with urban areas to ensure housing remains affordable there
1.4. switch federal subsidies from commodity grains and feed lots to young farm families homesteading organic animal and produce and fruit farms
1.5. incubate farmers in high school/ business development farm to science programs and training
1.6. THEME: building viable farms and farmers to feed comunity (esp. local)
2. what will the poverty level be?
2.1. can farming and small local food production over be economically viable and/or attractive to millenials
2.2. can local food systems and banton economies be used to combat effects of poverty. EX: work share garden
2.2.1. we still need to teach folks what to do with fresh food pantries, food banks, community-based meal services
3. Will we have political leadership?
3.1. Whoever they are, we will influence them
4. are farms still viable?
4.1. seems to depend on larger scale environmental change
4.2. yes farmers must adopt new technology processes and methods to remain profitable
4.2.1. value added and AGRI-TOurism will continue to thrive and help farmers remain profitable great idea-lets start a farm tour like the popular wine tours combined farm(food) and wine tours ag and seafood adventure tourism will farmers have to rely on value-added sales (ex. agri tourism) to be successful? make sure farmers actually benefit from value added instead of bottom dollar wholesale to someone who makes money on salsa/jam/etc.
4.2.2. search for ways to support farmers on making real change instead of always saying they're doing it wrong/are corrupt Even if that's true in some circumstances, it won't need to change without adequate incentives and support during the transition
4.3. there is no replacement for farms
4.3.1. just farming practices
4.4. are small farms just vestigial romantic thing that rich people go to for weddings and vacation? That's not my vision for 2030 food system that works
4.5. THEME: farm diversity and coordinated efforts (marketing, technology)
5. Must be connected to nearby urban markets for its own community's economic prosperity
5.1. empty lots become gardens
5.2. agreed, our population on the shore provides access food that can be sold to urban areas to increase profitability for local farmers
5.3. can't read
5.4. How do you manage transportation costs from small markets to urban communities? Should the focus be more on local farming and consumption?
5.4.1. will land be accessable? does current land use support maintaining farms? looking around large scale mono farms seem to be the norm, How do we increase the viability and frequency of small farms
5.4.2. local is important, but within 100 miles you have huge populations that can support the market and make them profitable, transportation market, coordination are key Eastern shore branding and marketing whole sale directly to mid-atlantic urban areas contrast with on-line food shopping servises- relay foods, etc. define what local is Because communities care about the people who live there is "local" important or is it building productive Viable world communities and does the distance really matter competition for large box stores and false low pricing and us mentality of "more for less" creates challenges
6. Education of consumers, because we don't teach "Home Ec" anymore and folks don't know what to do with fresh food
6.1. return to home cooking
6.1.1. need to address convenient time
6.1.2. or small local restaraunts
6.1.3. AG ED
6.2. every child grows a garden
6.2.1. great idea- we need to get it in schools early and often
6.2.2. outdoor Ed in middle school lets add food/farm ed week long program
7. Will there be any crabs or oysters to harvest because of water quality?
7.1. Are the fish safe to eat?
7.2. More oysters filter the bat
7.3. Water quality will continue to improve with environmental focus: proper legislation
7.3.1. DNR Get ideas and assistance from Waterman who have worked the water their entire life Yes And from small farmers Can we create pilot, place-based closed food system? Large seems to be driven primarily by bottom line
7.4. Can we reseed the beds?
7.4.1. Aquaculture is growing and will continue to grow, possibly surpass current harvesting methods How to change US taste from burgers and Fries to fish and veggies Partly cultural, partly biological Is that sustainable? Can be if we set it up properly
7.4.2. Yes, power dredging
7.5. Theme: education the new techniques/methods for aquaculture in agriculture while helping to clean the bay and conserve the land for future generations and food safety
8. Well fresh and local be just a way of life by then?
8.1. The current national model is in viable so fresh and local Hass to be a way of life by 2030
8.2. Farmers markets in every community every day?
8.2.1. Most current buyers are pretty educated, upscale, how do we get this food to folks that need it and have or need subsidies Educate people: K 12, churches, affairs… Tell them how to use local food Market local food to be less snobby, make it more attractive to diverse audiences Incentive program snap matching helps, but not long-term solution Shift subsidies from Aggie industry concerns to young farmer/homesteading concerns
8.2.2. I don't see this as a system – level change Need aggregation and distribution functions to make this all work
8.2.3. Need to involve education for consumers. How do you talk to the farmer and know what you are buying/eating Well extension be relevant and helpful? MDA provides now
8.2.4. Will this be profitable? Many farmers markets are becoming oversaturated Farmers will need to move beyond locavore direct to consumers models and sell to Shores institutions, schools, wholesale buyers, online food shopping services Agreed we need to educate growers on products that industries want and can afford to buy Farmers market are oversaturated
8.2.5. New Topic
8.3. Summary: for fresh and local food production to work there needs to be a way for all people to learn and get access to food. Education of producers and consumers is part of building a viable solution but it needs to be profitable for the producer and affordable for everyone
9. What will the average age of farmers be?
9.1. 65 but people are living longer
9.2. How to get new farmers on the shore?
9.2.1. Incubate farmers in high school business development farm to school training programs
9.2.2. Grow them? Unemployed got farm shares? Need to include knowledge base and technology support
9.2.3. Switch federal subsidies from commodity greens and feedlots young farm families homesteading organic animal and produce and fruit farms
9.2.4. We need to find incentives to producing food for humans Man zone for farming only – not housing developments We will need to work with urban areas, and suburban areas, to ensure housing remains affordable there