Eastern Shore Food Systems 2030 – Map M

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Eastern Shore Food Systems 2030 – Map M by Mind Map: Eastern Shore Food Systems 2030 – Map M

1. Increased population

1.1. Increases run off, removes farmland

1.1.1. There is an opportunity here. We have a best practice is to reduce run off and USTA money to implement Stop people from pooping Phytase for people? MDE and EPA won't enforce existing law MDE and EPA are gone in 2030

1.2. Summary: how do we provide healthy food for a growing population without environment degradation

2. Resource constrained

2.1. Resources drastically reduced in 2030

2.2. Are there other resources that could be utilized

2.2.1. Or do we prioritize them differently?

2.2.2. Under ocean?

3. What is the climate like? Sea level?

3.1. We must identify environmental climate technologies and share best practices internationally to build resiliency

3.1.1. Not until we take care of our own

3.2. California has fallen into the sea, now East Coast must feed USA

3.2.1. Excellent opportunity for Eastern shore, lots of houses

3.2.2. New market opportunities for Maryland farmers!

3.3. Summary: need to plan for change climate

4. Shortage of land

4.1. Farmland preservation

5. Our source system is far too dependent on chemicals

5.1. We need those chemicals to keep production cost down and make affordable food

5.1.1. There are other ways to keep production cost down. We will disseminate these models and best practices to support transition to more organic practices

5.1.2. Chemical-based AG practices degrade the soil and should be made less detrimental. Best practices can perhaps do away with affordable food which exist at the loss of freshness taste, nutritional value etc.

5.1.3. What about increased cost from health impacts caused by overuse of chemicals?

5.1.4. And stronger chemicals next year for the weeds and pass that survived the last round!

5.1.5. How does poisoning a field with Roundup help the bag?

5.2. Summary: tension between AG production using chemicals and sustainable low impact foreman

6. We will have a regional brand recognized nationally and internationally that identifies locally grown produce/meat and grains

6.1. Who will organize this

6.1.1. A small group of people will drive the change, supported by first followers Will always be negative Nelly's

6.1.2. Most start with children and at home

6.1.3. Community needs to make this a priority and support/allocate resources with deliverable and actionable measures How can communities complete with local dollars… Schools, roads, police, fire, hospitals, infrastructure, housing… And food

6.1.4. New Topic

6.2. I hope we reap the benefits locally too because that may help our community

6.2.1. Healthy community But what about those in poverty? Comment – I see less poverty if my family is inside. Need to get out and mix. Farmers markets can do that. Show them how to grow food More jobs created with sustainable farming in aquaculture Must simultaneously address structural inequalities

6.2.2. Community education/awareness will help with this process Producers need to educate their customers Is it farmers job to grow or talk? Customers already believe they know more than farmers, in most cases

6.3. Summary: regional branding is a community effort that includes education, awareness and steadfast leader

7. Schools serve 80% local food and kids eat it!

7.1. Kids still hate vegetables and 2030

7.2. Where does funding come from US federal assisted food sources

7.2.1. In DC there is a soda text to support local food and schools – five cents extra per day

7.2.2. Legislation and appropriation shifts subsidies. Values have changed and we must follow 30 your time lag is about right

7.3. How much of it is raised with chemicals?

7.3.1. When our chemicals or GMO a good trade-off?

7.4. Get USTA to include local requirement for school lunch program

8. We will be eating differently

8.1. New node

8.2. Need to develop short vision of what we are managing for based on sure values – farm food land and water

8.2.1. Healthy and accessible value

8.2.2. Education branding science registration money markets community engagement are all mechanisms

9. Fishing?

9.1. Fish farming

10. Vision: Eastern shore food system is a cornerstone of our resilient communities

10.1. But I like lobster… Can't get locally

10.1.1. Don't eat it

10.1.2. Eat rabbit

10.1.3. Should the goal be to only eat local 100% of the time? Does local equals sustainable all the time

10.2. Summary: does this mean local and sustainable? Define local?

10.2.1. Ideas for government support for healthy food options

11. More diversified food system?

11.1. We will find resources to support new and expanding markets

11.2. Producers need to be able to make a profit

11.2.1. Producers also need business and technical assistance – UME, MDA and perhaps even Chesapeake College?

11.3. How to educate consumer on good moods

11.3.1. We will have hands-on programs in all school systems that introduce our children and families to the benefits of fast food and how to grow Our kids get healthy and local food at school because we can control that more easily than what they eat at home Kids can only eat what is available at home It will become a part of school curriculum nationally

11.3.2. Affordability; food pantry, look at what will be offered in low income families Consider what drives food choices of residence; community, poor, multi generation etc. How do you balance affordable food prices with fair prices to farmers

11.3.3. Will we have enough local producers to meet demand and get food to good consumers? We will have dedicated and protected fertile land for production Who are good consumers? Farming is hard work where do we find farmers My children Where do we find farms?

11.3.4. Need branding with standards Who pays? What is branding do it all look the same? Need standards enforced By whom Or verified

11.3.5. Accountability Less regulation in 2030 Need fair labeling legislation with the money to enforce and regulate

11.4. Doubtful sadly

11.4.1. Is this because of the concentrated power of the poultry industry?

11.5. Summary: more affordable food and profitable farms that feed our communities and educate all consumers while still growing farms and formers