
ideas about my own business

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Ideas by Mind Map: Ideas

1. Concepts

1.1. focus on solving problems

1.2. start with good people

1.3. make something customers actually want

1.4. spend as little money as possible

2. Resources

2.1. Startup-related internet resources

2.2. Startup related books

3. Things I want to do but haven't found the best approach so far

4. Unorganized ideas

4.1. Data-driven

4.2. Have a clear focus on the user group

4.3. Have a clear focus on the functionality

4.4. Social

4.5. User customization

4.6. Great API

4.7. Some game elements

4.8. Cross-platform (supports mobile)

4.9. Has connections to major social networks

5. What do I like

5.1. Music

5.1.1. Jazz

5.2. Photography

5.2.1. user contributed photos flickr picasa