Should 'fat tax' be considered in combating Australia's rising obesity epidemic

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Should 'fat tax' be considered in combating Australia's rising obesity epidemic af Mind Map: Should 'fat tax' be considered in combating Australia's rising obesity epidemic

1. Health Care

1.1. how much resources and funding are being used by obesity related patients

1.2. What is the annual cost on the health care system for obesity caused, related health issues

1.3. Is there subsides or easy access to treatment plans

2. Genetics an obesity

2.1. Does genetics play a large role in obesity

2.2. is it hereditary

3. Children and Obesity

3.1. Preventive measures for children

3.2. What is the child obesity percentage in Australia

4. Fat Tax

4.1. Has the 'fat tax' been effective in Hungary

4.2. Will the tax raise the cost of take away food

4.3. Will there be a decrease in cost of healthy foods

4.4. Healthy food like fruit for example have a high sugar content, will they be exempt

5. Is this Ethical ?

5.1. should the government be able to dictate or push what foods shouldn't eaten