1. Promote Native Language Use Days
1.1. WHO
1.1.1. Admin, Teachers, Parents
1.2. WHAT
1.2.1. Utilize a language teacher or tutor to encourage use of a students native language in the classroom for the day
1.3. WHY
1.3.1. This will aid students to make sure they do not have gaps in their original language and cognitive development. ESL students who neglect their native language can suffer from issues of identity loss or alienation from their family and culture.
1.4. WHERE
1.4.1. In students language classrooms
1.5. WHEN
1.5.1. During students language arts sessions or ESL sessions
1.6. HOW
1.6.1. Have lessons or days where students are encouraged to utilize their native language. Parents can make sure references are available to aid in proper language use Students would be encouraged to read common literature in their native language to be able to discuss Have parents come in to the class and hold workshops for the school where they can discuss their experiences from their home countries.
2. Bully Free Enviornment
2.1. WHO
2.1.1. The ESL Teacher, Counselors, Other Classroom Teachers
2.2. WHAT
2.2.1. Awareness to the school community that the admin, teachers, and students are informed of what is bullying and measures that will be taken to stop it
2.3. WHERE
2.3.1. In the classrooms have discussions on how to identify a bully and what to do when you see a situation occurring. Explain how and who to report it to.
2.4. WHEN
2.4.1. Keep a watchful eye on students during class, breaks, lunch and make them aware of what is happening in their environment
2.5. HOW
2.5.1. Teach strategies on how to stand up to a bully, also how to report a situation if you see one occur, hold community awareness days at the school to make students fully aware of the schools stance on bullying
3. Chinese ELL Student
4. Mexican ELL Student
5. References
5.1. http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/apr99/vol56/num07/Bridging-Cultures-with-Classroom-Strategies.aspx http://geert-hofstede.com/countries.html http://busyteacher.org/13582-7-sure-fire-ways-to-boost-student-confidence.html
6. Establish an Atmosphere of Acceptance
6.1. WHO
6.1.1. Teachers, classroom volunteers, older mentor students and peers that also speak a students native language
6.2. WHAT
6.2.1. Prepare main stream students to welcome ESL students into the classroom and accept them, Help mainstream students understand cultural and language barriers they may face with this student and how to pronounce their names properly
6.3. WHY
6.3.1. Developing relationships with peers is great for ELL students who may feel like an outsider in the classroom. Feeling supported by classmates and becoming comfortable with their environment will help students control their anxiety and allow them to focus on learning.
6.4. WHERE
6.4.1. During all school hours in the classroom
6.5. WHEN
6.5.1. Before the students arrival to school, on the first day of school, and follow up throughout the school year
6.6. HOW
6.6.1. Providing encouragement and praise as to what mainstream students can to do welcome the ELL student Promote a comfortable confident environment for the ELL student by not calling on them to perform in front of the entire class until they are comfortable Have a welcome letter to the student in their native language explaining classroom rules and policies.
7. Develop Multicultural Curriculum
7.1. WHO
7.1.1. Admin, Department Chairs, Curriculum Team
7.2. WHAT
7.2.1. Integrate multicultural learning into music, arts, history, geography and other subjects that will develop linguistically diverse students
7.3. WHY
7.3.1. All students in the class develop pride in their origins and are encouraged to stduy and share them. They gain a greater understanding of world cultures and world geography. Students from diverse backgrounds develop pride in their heritage. When they see their native cultures and languages being studied in the mainstream classroom, they feel validated.
7.4. WHERE
7.4.1. In the main stream classroom, ESL classroom, and school wide
7.5. WHEN
7.5.1. During regular class time, around prominent holidays, Model UN days
7.6. HOW
7.6.1. Incorporate resources and materials in all subjects and skills routinely taught in school Classrooms can display pictures, books, labels and other cultural information Duplicate signs in languages from various cultures Display a list of school employees and students and what languages they speak Teachers can learn a few key words, phrases or numbers in other languages
8. Meet the Social and Cultural Needs
8.1. WHO
8.1.1. Teachers, counselors, tutors, parent coordinators
8.2. WHAT
8.2.1. Train staff in cross cultural communication and let them know services are available to them Build relationships with ELL families and encourage parents to be proactive and involved in their students education
8.3. WHY
8.3.1. It is important to make sure students feel supported by the school, community and also that their families feel the same way
8.4. WHERE
8.4.1. In the classroom and at school and community run events
8.5. HOW
8.5.1. A parent community network can be established by reaching out to mainstream and ELL families to sponsor events and include some cultural norms such as food or music in the event for example a first day of school community cookout.