HPS Management Skills

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HPS Management Skills by Mind Map: HPS Management Skills

1. Leadership Skills

1.1. Best Practices

1.1.1. Sir Alex Ferguson Harvard Business Review Article BBC Docu "Sir Alex Ferguson: Secrets of Success"

1.1.2. John Wooden Personal Website Gallimore, R., & Tharp, R. (2004). What a coach can teach a teacher, 1975-2004: reflections and reanalysis of John Wooden's teaching practices. Sport Psychologist, 18, 119-137.

1.1.3. Pat Riley The Winner Within: A Life Plan for Team Players

1.1.4. Phil Jackson Oprah Interview Books Sacred Hoops Eleven Rings

1.1.5. Bill Walsh Harvard Business Review Article

1.1.6. Bill Parcells Harvard Business Review Article

1.1.7. Bela Karolyi Harvard Business Review Article

1.1.8. Joe Girardi Harvard Business Review Article

1.1.9. Nigel Edward McCarthy, G. (2012). Captaining the GB and Ireland team to victory in the 2011 Walker Cup: a commentary. Annual Review of Golf Coaching 2012, 89-91 (pdf available)

1.1.10. Sir Clive Woodward Lee, S., Shaw, D. J., Chesterfield, G., & Woodward, S. C. (2009). Reflections from a world champion: an interview with Sir Clive Woodward, director of Olympic performance, the British Olympic Association. Reflective Practice, 10(3), 295-310.

1.2. TED talks

1.2.1. Simon Sinek: How Great Leader's Inspire Action

1.2.2. Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe

1.3. Scientific Articles

1.3.1. Arnold, Fletcher & Molyneux (2012) - Performance leadership and management in elite sport: recommendations, advice and suggestions from national performance directors

1.3.2. Fletcher, D., & Arnold, R. (2011). A qualitative study of performance leadership and management in elite sport. Journal of applied sport psychology, 23(2), 223-242.

1.3.3. Fletcher, D., & Wagstaff, C. R. (2009). Organizational psychology in elite sport: Its emergence, application and future. Psychology of sport and exercise, 10(4), 427-434.

1.3.4. Kelly, S. (2008). Understanding the role of the football manager in Britain and Ireland: A Weberian approach. European Sport Management Quarterly, 8(4), 399-419.

1.4. Book Chapters

1.4.1. Sotiriadou, P. (2013). The Role of High Performance directors within National Sporting Organizations. In P. Sotiriadou & V. De Bosscher (Eds.), Managing High Performance Sport (1-14). New York, NY: Routledge.

1.4.2. Carron, A.V. & Eys, M.A. (2012). Group Leadership. In A.V. Carron & M.A. Eys (Eds.), Group dynamics in sport (226-256). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.

1.5. Managing HPS Athletes

1.5.1. Mallett, C. J., & Hanrahan, S. J. (2004). Elite athletes: why does the ‘fire’burn so brightly?. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 5(2), 183-200.

1.5.2. Fifer, A., Henschen, K., Gould, D., & Ravizza, K. (2008). What works when working with athletes. The Sport Psychologist, 22(3), 356-377.

1.5.3. Martindale, A., & Collins, D. (2010). But why does what works work? A response to Fifer, Henschen, Gould, and Ravizza, 2008. Sport Psychologist, 24(1), 113.

1.5.4. Greenleaf, C., Gould, D., & Dieffenbach, K. (2001). Factors influencing Olympic performance: interviews with Atlanta and Negano US Olympians. Journal of applied sport psychology, 13(2), 154-184.

1.5.5. MacNamara, Á., Button, A., & Collins, D. (2010). The role of psychological characteristics in facilitating the pathway to elite performance. Part 1: Identifying mental skills and behaviours. The Sport Psychologist, 24(1), 52-73. MacNamara, Á., Button, A., & Collins, D. (2010). The role of psychological characteristics in facilitating the pathway to elite performance. Part 2: Examining environmental and stage-related differences in skills and behaviors. The Sport Psychologist, 24(1), 74-96.

1.6. Managing HPS Coaches

1.6.1. Collins, D., Abraham, A., & Collins, R. (2012). On Vampires and Wolves—Exposing and exploring reasons for the differential impact of coach education. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 43(3), 255.

1.6.2. Bowes, I., & Jones, R. L. (2006). Working at the edge of chaos: Understanding coaching as a complex, interpersonal system. Sport Psychologist, 20(2), 235.

1.6.3. Grecic, D., & Collins, D. (2013). The epistemological chain: Practical applications in sports. Quest, 65(2), 151-168.

1.6.4. Jones, R. L., & Wallace, M. (2005). Another bad day at the training ground: Coping with ambiguity in the coaching context. Sport, Education and society, 10(1), 119-134.

1.7. Managing the Support Team

1.7.1. Reid, C., Stewart, E., & Thorne, G. (2004). Multidisciplinary sport science teams in elite sport: Comprehensive servicing or conflict and confusion?. Sport Psychologist, 18, 204-217.

1.8. Leadership Models

1.8.1. Multi-Dimensional Model of Leadership

1.8.2. Transformational Leadership

1.8.3. Situational Leadership

1.9. Collins, D., Trower, J. & Cruickshank, A. (2013). Coaching high performance athletes and the high performance team. In P. Sotiriadou & V. De Bosscher, V. (221-236). Managing high performance sport. New York, NY: Routledge.

2. Communication Skills

2.1. Feedback Skills

2.1.1. Giving & Receiving Feedback (Slides by Thomas Waanders)

2.1.2. AID Model Video

2.1.3. Positive Reinforcement Sheldon Trains Penny (The Big Bang Theory)

2.1.4. Daniel Goleman Daniel Goleman on the right way to give feedback Daniel Goleman and Bill George: How to Give Feedback

2.2. Effective Communication

2.2.1. Books Chapters Yukelson, D. (1993). Communicating effectively. In J. Williams (Ed.). Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance (122-136). Colombus, OH: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

2.2.2. Effective Communication (Sports Coach UK Leaflet)

2.2.3. Effective Communication Presentation by Yukelson

2.2.4. Effective Communication (Slides by Thomas Waanders)

2.2.5. Books Bert de Cuyper - Communiceren moet je leren!

2.3. Team Communication

2.3.1. Eccles, D. W., & Tran, K. B. (2012). Getting them on the same page: Strategies for enhancing coordination and communication in sports teams. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 3(1), 30-40.

2.4. Empathy

2.4.1. RSA Shorts - The Power of Empathy

2.4.2. Chan, J., & Mallett, C. (2011). The value of emotional intelligence for high performance coaching. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 6(3), 315-328.

2.4.3. Emotional Intelligence Examining Positive Affect and Job Performance in Sport Organizations: A Conceptual Model Using an Emotional Intelligence Lens

2.5. Questioning

2.5.1. Socratic Questioning

2.6. Bad News Conversations

2.6.1. Vontae Davis gets traded - Hard Knocks (2012 season; 3.00 min)

2.7. List of Cognitive Biases

3. Political Skills

3.1. Potrac, P., & Jones, R. (2009). Power, conflict, and cooperation: Toward a micropolitics of coaching. Quest, 61(2), 223-236.

4. Cultural Awareness

4.1. Terry, P. C. (2009). Strategies for reflective cultural sport psychology practice. In R. Schinke & S.J. Hanrahan (Eds.). Cultural sport psychology (79-89). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

5. Change Management Skills

5.1. Cruickshank, A. & Collins, D. (2012). Change Management: The Case of the Elite Sport Performance Team, Journal of Change Management, 12 (2), 209-229.

5.2. Cruickshank, A., & Collins, D. (2012). Culture change in elite sport performance teams: Examining and advancing effectiveness in the new era. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 24(3), 338-355.

5.3. Facilitating Change: ADKAR Model (Sports Coach UK Leaflet)

6. HR Skills

7. Reflection/Coaching Skills

7.1. Johari Window

7.1.1. Online Test

7.2. Korthagen Reflection Circle Diagram

7.3. GROW Model

7.3.1. Dr. Dan Gould's explaining the GROW Model

7.3.2. Grow Model Questions

7.4. PDCA Model

7.4.1. Wikipedia Description

7.5. Work Values

7.5.1. Work Values Test

7.6. Performance Profiling

7.6.1. Butler, R. J., Smith, M., & Irwin, I. (1993). The performance profile in practice. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 5(1), 48-63.

7.7. Ofman Core Quadrant

7.8. Critical Incident Method

7.8.1. Overview of Phases

8. Team Development Skills

8.1. CIES Football Observatory Approach

8.2. Yukelson: Principles of effective team building interventions in sport: a direct services approach at Penn State University

9. HPS Management Resources

9.1. CIES

9.2. Harvard Business Review

9.3. Leaders in Sport

9.4. The Science of Sport

9.5. Sports Coach UK

10. High Performance Sport Video Content

10.1. Shows

10.1.1. Hard Knocks (2001-)

10.1.2. Necessary Roughness (2011-2013)

10.2. Movies

10.3. Documentaries

11. Planning Skills

11.1. Roadbooks Cycling

11.2. NJR Trainingen

12. Conflict Management Skills

12.1. Conflict Management (Sports Coach UK Leaflet)

13. Decision-Making Skills

13.1. Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory

13.2. Kahneman, D., & Klein, G. (2009). Conditions for intuitive expertise: a failure to disagree. American Psychologist, 64(6), 515.