CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning
by Marta Munarriz
1. Main characteristics
1.1. dual-focused approach
1.1.1. foreign language (through content)
1.1.2. content (through language)
1.2. develop a positive attitude towards students themselves
1.3. is an 'umbrella term'
1.3.1. includes all types of CLIL
1.4. its essence is in integration
1.4.1. content what? thematic cross-curricular focused on citizenship
1.4.2. language
1.4.3. learning skills how? Banking model Student-centered
1.5. Core features
1.5.1. Multiple focus
1.5.2. Safe and enriching learning environment
1.5.3. Authenticity
1.5.4. Active learning
1.5.5. Scaffolding
1.5.6. Co-operation
2. differs from:
2.1. FLT: Foreign Language Teaching
2.1.1. work on: language through language
2.1.2. taught by: language teachers
2.2. CBLT: Content-based Language Teaching
2.2.1. work on language through content
2.2.2. taught by: language teachers
2.3. Immersion
2.3.1. work on content (little or no attention to language)
2.3.2. taught by: inmersion subject teacher