Spice Up Your Math Class Maria H. Andersen @busynessgirl TeachingCollegeMath.com

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Spice Up Your Math Class Maria H. Andersen @busynessgirl TeachingCollegeMath.com por Mind Map: Spice Up Your Math Class   Maria H. Andersen @busynessgirl TeachingCollegeMath.com

1. Professional Organizations

1.1. MAA

1.2. AMS


1.4. NCTM

1.5. NCAT

1.6. ASA

1.7. NMAP

2. Magazines and Journals

2.1. WIRED

2.2. The Futurist

2.3. Journal of Online Mathematics

2.4. Science Friday

2.5. Distance Educator Weekly Magazine

2.6. Fast Company

2.7. Educause Review

2.8. Technology Review

2.9. Popular Science

2.10. eLearn Magazine

3. Search Engines

3.1. How do I find stuff for myself?

3.1.1. General Internet Search Guidelines

3.1.2. Google Guide

3.1.3. Use Yummy Search Words

3.2. Google

3.3. Searchcube

3.4. Cooliris

3.5. Kartoo

3.6. Clusty

3.7. Congoo

3.8. Rollyo Searchrolls

3.9. WolframAlpha

4. Online Calculators, Equations, and CAS

4.1. Equations

4.1.1. Wolfram Alpha

4.1.2. Online LaTeX Equation Editor

4.1.3. Sitmo Online Equation Editor

4.1.4. HTML Unicode for Math

4.2. CAS

4.2.1. Maxima

4.2.2. Sage

4.2.3. Wolfram Alpha

4.3. R: A Free Statistical Package

4.4. Calculators

4.4.1. Wolfram Alpha

4.4.2. GraphCalc

4.4.3. TinyMCE Graph Plugin for Wikis

4.4.4. WZ Online Grapher

5. Open Courseware

5.1. Academic Earth

5.2. MIT Open Courseware

5.3. Webcast Berkley

5.4. Stanford on iTunes

5.5. UMass Boston

5.6. Academic Earth

5.7. Hippocampus

6. Notes / Online Texts

6.1. Paul's Online Math Notes

6.2. Purple Math

6.3. Connexions

6.4. MathPage: Trigonometry

6.5. College Algebra Tutorials at Texas A & M

6.6. NY Regents Prep for Algebra

6.7. S.O.S. Math

6.8. SticiGui

6.9. Free Math Books

6.10. Connected Curriculum Project

7. Technology Tools and Tutorials for Math

7.1. Teching Up: Mapping out Math

7.2. Math DAISY Demo

7.3. Jarnal Tutorials

7.4. Students focus on Software, not mathematical errors

7.5. iPen

7.6. Encylcopedia of Educational Technology

7.7. Wolfram Alpha

7.8. eLearning Tools for STEM

8. Articles and Blog Posts about Wolfram Alpha

8.1. Don't get Wolfram Alpha? Try these examples.

8.2. Wolfram Alpha for Inquiry-based Learning in Calculus (2010)

8.3. What we're doing with Wolfram Alpha (2009)

8.4. Interview at Wolfram Alpha Homework Day (2009)

8.5. Recalculating Teaching and Learning

8.6. Impact of Wolfram Alpha on Math Ed

8.7. Wolfram Alpha Loci Article

8.8. Wolfram Alpha Blog

8.9. Singularity Summit: Supreme Mathematics of Gods and Earth

8.10. Sum Help: New search engine for Mathletes (WSJ)

8.11. A new computation engine shakes up math

8.12. A Calculating Website could ignite a new campus Math War

9. Data, Charts, and Graphs

9.1. Wolfram Alpha

9.2. Federal Statistics

9.3. Measure of America

9.4. Many Eyes

9.5. Statistics Human Development UN

9.6. Collection of Sites for Data, Charts, and Maps

9.7. TinyMCE Graph Plugin for Wikis

10. Digital Libraries

10.1. AMSER

10.2. Wolfram Demonstrations Projects

10.3. Science Literacy Maps

10.4. NLVM

10.5. NSDL

10.6. MERLOT

10.7. MathDL

10.7.1. Loci

11. Interactive Materials

11.1. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

11.2. Wolfram Demonstration Project

11.2.1. Epsilon-Delta Finite Limit at a Finite Point

11.2.2. Solids of Known Cross Sections

11.2.3. Roots of Complex Numbers

11.2.4. Horizontal and Vertical Line Test

11.2.5. Harmonic Oscillation

11.3. WolframAlpha

11.4. Famous Curves Index

11.5. Finding Little Stuff and what to do with it

11.5.1. Arc Length Animation

11.5.2. Epsilon-delta Applet

11.5.3. Focus of a Parabola

11.6. Concept Questions (Project QUEST)

11.7. Connecting Mathematics

11.8. Math and Search

11.8.1. Adding search to public data

11.8.2. Google Trends

11.8.3. Google Trends Flu Trends

11.9. Math Interactives

11.10. Illuminations Activities

11.11. Geometric Look at Partial Derivatives

11.12. Calculus Songs

11.13. Math Top 10 Lists

11.14. Statistics

11.14.1. Dr Arsham's Business Stats Resource

11.14.2. RVLS Simulations and Demonstrations

11.14.3. TAMU Flash Demos

11.14.4. Seeing Statistics

11.14.5. Gapminder

11.14.6. StatPages

11.14.7. We Feel Fine

11.15. Calculus

11.15.1. Calculus Applets at SLU

11.15.2. CalculusPhobe Tutorials

11.15.3. Demos with Positive Impact

11.15.4. Linerider

11.15.5. Maths Online

11.15.6. Visual Calculus

11.15.7. Tom Leathum's Java Applets

11.15.8. Mathingo (think Bingo)

11.15.9. Mathematics Animated

11.15.10. Mathlets at UMN

11.15.11. Stewart Tools for Enriching Calculus

11.16. Algebra and Precalculus

11.16.1. Maria's Telescoping Math

11.16.2. Visual Fractions

11.16.3. Density Equalizing Maps

11.16.4. LSquaredMath

11.16.5. Interactivate

11.16.6. Tom Leathum's Java Applets

11.16.7. Linerider

11.16.8. Maths Online

11.16.9. Quia

11.16.10. Learning Algebra Fundamentals

11.16.11. Using Google Earth in Math

11.17. Math Elem Ed

11.17.1. Linerider

11.17.2. Using Google Earth in Math

11.17.3. For the record

11.18. History

11.18.1. Periodic Table of Mathematicians

11.18.2. Thinkquest Mathematics History

11.18.3. Euclid's Elements

11.18.4. MAC Tutor History

11.19. Online Resources for Probability and Statistics

11.20. Above Calculus

11.20.1. ODE Animations

11.20.2. Mathematics Animated

11.20.3. PDE Gallery

11.20.4. Complex Analysis

12. Why do it?

12.1. Who will teach them if we don't?

12.2. Academia 2.0

12.3. The majority of our students are ...

12.3.1. Index of Learning Styles

12.3.2. Active Learners

12.3.3. Visual Learners

12.4. How much Time

12.5. Re-examine your course structure

12.6. Millenials

12.7. Before you Begin

12.7.1. A Warning

12.7.2. Download Plug-ins

12.7.3. Understand the Language of the Internet What is a URL? What is a hyperlink? Embed Code

12.7.4. Virtual Magnifier

13. Fair Use and Copyright

13.1. Fair Use Guidelines for Educational and Multimedia

13.2. Copyright Crash Course

13.3. A Fair(y) Use Tale

13.4. Baruch College Guide to Copyrighted Media

13.5. Creative Commons

13.6. Legal to copy books for digital use?

14. Managing Your Links

14.1. Favorites in Web Browser

14.2. Google Bookmarks and Google Toolbar

14.3. Del.icio.us

14.4. Diigo

15. Video

15.1. TED Talks

15.1.1. Chris Anderson on "the long tail"

15.1.2. Web's Secret Story: Jonathan Harris

15.1.3. Mathemagic with Arthur Benjamin

15.1.4. Toys that make Worlds: Will Wright

15.1.5. Jawdropping Photosnyth Demo

15.1.6. Ron Eglash on African Fractals

15.1.7. How Engineers Learn from Evolution

15.1.8. Birth of the Computer

15.1.9. Hans Rosling's Best Stats You've Ever Seen

15.1.10. Hans Rosling's New Insights on Poverty

15.1.11. Hans Rosling on HIV

15.1.12. Mathematics of War

15.1.13. Beautiful Math of Coral

15.1.14. How Stats Fool Jurors

15.2. Sixty Symbols

15.3. YouTube

15.3.1. MathGirl Differentials Attract Zero's Discontinuity Rationalize This

15.3.2. Moebious Transformations Revealed

15.3.3. I Will Derive!

15.3.4. The Laws of Sir Isaac Newton

15.3.5. Rube Goldberg Style Honda Commercial

15.3.6. Kumar's Root 3 Poem

15.3.7. Pilot Math Channel

15.3.8. MathTV Channel

15.3.9. Calculicious

15.3.10. Mathmaticious

15.3.11. Zero and One

15.3.12. Fractorix

15.3.13. Ma and Pa Kettle do Math

15.3.14. u-sub Silent Movie

15.3.15. IBM TV Smarter Math

15.3.16. Acting out Related Rates

15.3.17. MAA YouTube Channel

15.3.18. Calculus Rhapsody

15.3.19. Center of Mass Trajectory (MIT)

15.4. 100 Incredible Open Lectures for Math Geeks

15.5. Mathematics in the Movies (from Knill at Harvard)

15.6. Math and the Movies with MathBits Worksheets

15.7. Sputnik Observatory for Study of Contemporary Culture

15.8. YouTube EDU

15.9. AtGoogleTalks

15.10. Harvard at Home

15.11. Leibniz Calculating Machine

15.12. Project Tuva: Feynman Videos

15.13. Year of Math Blogging

15.14. Science Friday Video Site

16. Humor

16.1. xkcd

16.2. GraphJam

16.3. Indexed

16.4. Spiked Math

16.5. Math Modeling of Zombie Outbreak

16.6. New Math

16.7. Brown Sharpie

16.8. Math Purity Test

16.9. Dieting the Math Way

16.10. Virtual Math Museum

16.11. Nearing Zero Math Cartoons

17. Math Blogs

17.1. What is a blog?

17.2. What is RSS?

17.3. 360 Blog

17.4. 37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About

17.5. AMS Grad Student Blog

17.6. Casting Out Nines

17.7. Division by Zero

17.8. God Plays Dice

17.9. Math in the News RSS Feed

17.10. nLab Collection of Math Blogs

17.11. Number Warrior

17.12. Teaching College Math

17.13. Terry Tao

17.14. Walking Randomly

17.15. y of x

17.16. Haven't found what you're looking for?

17.17. Start a Blog

17.18. Recently added

17.18.1. Math-blog

17.18.2. Tanya Khovanova's Math Blog

17.18.3. (x, why?)

17.18.4. Mathematics under the Microscope

17.18.5. The n-Category Café

17.18.6. Not Even Wrong

17.18.7. 360

17.18.8. The Unapologetic Mathematician

17.18.9. Wild About Math

17.18.10. God Plays Dice

17.18.11. Annoying Precision

17.18.12. Gower's Weblog

17.18.13. What's New

17.18.14. Good Math, Bad Math

17.18.15. bit-player

17.18.16. Gyre & Gimble

17.18.17. Division by Zero

17.18.18. Rigorous Trivialities

17.18.19. Math Notations

17.18.20. Secret Blooging Seminar

17.18.21. Pat's Blog

17.18.22. The Numbers Guy

17.18.23. Steven Strogatz at Opinionator Blog

17.18.24. A Mind for Madness

17.18.25. Concrete Nonsense

17.18.26. F_un Mathematics

17.18.27. E. Kowalski’s blog

17.18.28. Arcadian Functor

17.18.29. Combinatorics and more

17.18.30. Accidental Mathematician

17.18.31. The Geomblog

17.18.32. Konrad Voelkel’s Blog

17.18.33. Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP

17.18.34. OxDE

17.18.35. Computational Complexity

17.18.36. Disquisitiones Mathematicae

17.18.37. Hydrobates

17.18.38. MAA Math Minute

17.18.39. MAA NumberADay

17.18.40. Math for Love

17.18.41. Deb's Mathematic Blog

17.18.42. Casting Out Nines

17.18.43. xkcd

17.18.44. Walking Randomly

17.18.45. SquareCircleZ

17.18.46. Natural Blogarithms

17.18.47. yofx

17.18.48. Sumidiot

17.18.49. Complexify!

18. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Mathematics

18.1. The Nuts and Bolts of Writing Mathematics

18.2. Concept and Clicker Questions

18.2.1. Good Questions at Cornell

18.2.2. Project Math QUEST

18.3. Professional Development

18.3.1. Eric Mazur: Confessions of a Converted Lecturer

18.3.2. Getting Results

18.4. Essays about Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics, and the Future of Mathematics

18.4.1. NCAT Math Lectures: An Oxymoron?

18.4.2. Lockhart's Lament

18.4.3. Thinking about Learning, Learning about Thinking

18.5. How can we measure teaching and learning in math?

18.6. Student Conceptions of Mathematics