How Influential was the Roman Catholic Church in Medival Europe?
by Ryan Newton
1. To believers, hell was an unreal and not a terrifying place. Its torments, such as fire and demons, were pictured in vivid detail in many paintings.
2. The Christian religion worshiped someone named Jesus who was supposedly crucified in the 1st century C.E. and then was supposedly resurrected afterward.
3. Art and architecture
4. In the middle ages art was made for a religious purpose.
5. key term 1: sacraments
6. Cathedrals are large churches that are headed by bishops
7. Education
8. In the middle ages schooling happened in monasteries.
9. In the 1,200s the cathedral schools started to use university.
10. Natural law is the concept that there is a universal order built into nature that can guide moral thinking.
11. This was the university of paris.
12. Holiday
13. Holiday means holy day.
14. Two main holidays are Easter and Christmas.
15. Easter is when Christians celebrate the Resurrection. Christians believed, the Resurrection is Christ’s rising from the dead.
16. Orginazation of the Roman Catholic Church
17. The Increasing Power of the Church
18. Key Terms
18.1. Religion: a set of spiritual beliefs, rules, and practices.
18.2. persecuted: to cause a person to suffer because of what they believe.
18.3. Roman Catholic Church: The christian church headed by the pope in Rome
19. Sacraments and Salvation in the Middle Ages.
19.1. main idea
20. After the fall of Rome the church forced it's way to leadership and created stability in the hard times. The church converted everyone and took people in.
21. A roman church is seen in modern times.
22. Pilgrimages and Crusades
23. During the Middle Ages, religious faith led many people to perform extraordinary acts of indevotion.
24. A second type of extraordinary service involved fighting in the Crusades. The Crusades were a series of military expeditions to the land where Jesus had lived, which Christians called the Holy Land. During the 7th century, this part of the Middle East had come under the control of Muslims.
25. a work of progres between p c
26. Soon everyone in a church had a rank.
27. The pope, the archbishop, cardinals, the bishops, and the parishes were the main levels.
28. Key Terms
28.1. Clergy: the body of people, such as priests, who perform the sacred functions of a church.
28.2. hierarchy: a system or organization with higher and lower positions
29. A group of people are electing the new pope.
30. key term 1: pilgrimage
31. During the middle ages the church got a ton of land, power, and money. Everyone was required to pay heavy taxes so the church became rich. They were the only ones who could read so they wrote documents for monarchs.
32. The church finally got into conflicts with the monarchs because they had so much power it rivaled the monarch's. Other people helped them though.
33. Key Terms
33.1. Authority: the power to influence or command.
34. Christian Church Takes Shape
35. In the winter of 1077 Henry was forced to stay outside in the cold for three days for forgiveness from pope gregory.
36. main idea: Chaucer lived in England from about 1342 to 1400.
37. A second type of extraordinary service and involved fighting in the Crusades. The Crusades were a series of military expeditions to the land where Jesus had lived in which Christians called the Holy Land.
38. Pilgrimages and Crusades
39. this part of the Middle East had come under the control of Muslims. Jerusalem, which was a holy city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike, became a Muslim city.
40. a war between the pilgramges and crusades fighting
41. main idea: most Christians hoped to go on a pilgrimage at some point in their lives.