GIS Lesson Plan

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GIS Lesson Plan by Mind Map: GIS Lesson Plan

1. Notes

1.1. Mapping Famous Chemists

1.2. Goals of Each Lesson

1.2.1. Our goal is to find the location where each of the famous chemists did he research.

1.3. Objectives

1.3.1. Understand where different scientific discoveries took place and there impact on our world.

1.4. Reasoning

1.4.1. Helps create context for students and see that discoveries happen everywhere and can benefit our day to day lives.

1.5. Content

1.5.1. Researching different chemists, you will need to find locations where they did their work. Any place they may have moved to, and relative locations compared to other famous scientists

1.6. Method of Instruction

1.6.1. First give a lesson based on what historical contributions each scientist did then have groups break off and find out about three different scientists. This will help students see a concise view of where scientific discoveries took place and that all parts of the world help contribute to our world today.

1.7. Method of Evaluation

1.7.1. Give a group mark based on participation and how well designed their map is. It should show where each scientist is from and where different discoveries took place relative to each other.

2. Objectives

2.1. From ICT Curriculum

2.1.1. Cognitive G-1.1 finds and collects information (text, images, data, audio, video) from given media sources Pr-1.1 participates in establishing criteria for student-created electronic work C-2.1 discusses information, ideas, and/or electronic work using tools for electronic communication

2.1.2. Affective Co-1.1 works with others in teacher-directed learning tasks using ICT and assists others with ICT knowledge and procedures M-1.1 demonstrates confidence and self-motivation while doing ICT tasks alone and with others

2.2. From Manitoba Curriculum

2.2.1. S1-2-02 Investigate the historical progression of the atomic model. Include: Dalton, Thompson, Rutherford, Bohr,

2.2.2. S1-2-06 Investigate the development of the periodic table as a method of organizing elements.

3. Prerequisites

3.1. Review

3.1.1. Understand that discoveries happened not just in North America but all over the world.

3.2. Goals

3.2.1. Students need to understand different scientific discoveries and that elements are named after places for significant advances took place.

3.3. Set context

3.3.1. Understand how to use Google Maps to mark locations

4. Resources

4.1. Materials

4.1.1. Google Maps

4.1.2. Wikipedia

4.1.3. Chemistry Textbook

4.2. People

4.2.1. Teacher

4.3. Facilities

4.3.1. Computer Lab