الكمية ثابتة

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الكمية ثابتة by Mind Map: الكمية ثابتة

1. Writing

2. Public Speaking

3. Facilitation

4. Product Development

4.1. User Driven Change

4.1.1. Carlos del rio

5. Problem Solving

5.1. Fuzzy Problem Solving

5.1.1. David

6. 10 Day MBA

6.1. Book

6.2. Quick read

7. Project Management

7.1. Art of Project Management

7.1.1. Berkun

7.1.2. Making things happen

8. Creative Problem Solving Books

8.1. Whack on the side of the head

8.2. Kick in the Set of the Pants

9. Necessary

9.1. Credentials?

9.1.1. Says you are good at doing this

9.2. Masters of something you are passionate about

9.2.1. Might be all you need

10. How

10.1. Find your yoda

10.2. FFF

10.2.1. Find a freakish friend

10.3. Pick your brain?

10.3.1. OK?

10.3.2. Commercial?

10.3.3. Friend?

10.3.4. Treat it like a date

10.4. Most people do it on the job

10.5. Find a mentor

11. Meaning/Purpose

11.1. The Road

11.1.1. Macarthy

12. Content

12.1. Content Strategy for the Web

12.1.1. Halverson

13. Peer Groups

14. Pod Casting

15. MBA Components

15.1. Masters Thesis

15.2. Personal Board of Directors

15.3. Case Studies

16. Diversify

16.1. Do something other

17. Design

17.1. Don't Make Me Think

17.1.1. Steve Krug

17.2. SmashingMagazine.com

17.3. The Non-Designer's Design Book

18. Entrepreneurial Life

18.1. Emyth

18.1.1. Will tell you why this is the dumbest idea you've ever had

19. Hand Craft / Maker

19.1. Made by Hand

20. Marketing and Design

20.1. Call to Action

20.1.1. Jeffrey and Brian Eisenburg

20.2. Made to Stick

20.2.1. Chip & Dan Heath Fast Comapny Column