Reading Comprehension in Adults

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Reading Comprehension in Adults создатель Mind Map: Reading Comprehension in Adults

1. Although reading is usually learned as a child, comprehending what is being read is a difficulty adults often face and it can be learned regardless of age and applied to everyday life.

2. There is a lack of research in how adults who are currently learning reading comprehension, as most research is done either on children or the adult population as a whole and is not applied directly to people actively trying to improve their reading and comprehension skills

3. Mellard, D. (2012). Component Model of Reading Comprehension for Adult Education Participants. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35(1), 10-10. Retrieved September 23, 2015, from Model of Reading Comprehension

4. Bandpay, A. (2012). Seeing the Superiority of Self-monitoring Learning Strategies over Teacher-monitoring Learning in Adult 'Reading Comprehension' Journal of Studies in Education JSE, 3(1), 48-66. doi:10.5296/jse.v3i1.2573

5. Stothers, M., & Klein, P. D. (2010). Perceptual organization, phonological awareness, and reading comprehension in adults with and without learning disabilities. Annals of Dyslexia, 60(2), 209-37. Retrieved from

6. Hock, M., & Mellard, D. (2005). Reading comprehension strategies for adult literacy outcomes. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 49(3), 192-200. Retrieved from

7. Holmes, V. (2009). Bottom-up processing and reading comprehension in experienced adult readers. Journal of Research in Reading, 32(3), 309-326. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9817.2009.01396.x

8. Preliminary list of resources

9. Reading comprehension is a collective term that describes the result of grasping the meaning from a text with one's intellect (Hock & Mellard, 2005)

10. Seventy seven percent of adults with reading comprehension difficulties reported having difficulty learning to read as a child (Mellard & Fall, 2012)

11. In studies that have been conducted in learning adults, evidence was found that low word recognition skills were a major difficulty as not immediately recognizing a word causes one to rely on contextual clues and not recognizing multiple words makes contextual clues ineffective

12. Forty three percent of U.S. adults lack the basic knowledge and skills needed to do more than “search, comprehend, and use information from continuous texts” (Mellard & Fall, 2012)