Building 21st Century Skills: Learning How to Learn
by david loertscher

1. K-12 Organizations
1.1. AASL
1.3. P21
1.4. Common Core Standards
1.5. 21st Century Fluency Project
1.6. U.S. National Technology Plan
1.7. Ontario, Canada Standards
2. Knowledge Building Skills by Discipline and Theme
2.1. Science
2.2. Social Science
2.3. Arts
2.4. Language Arts
2.5. Mathematics
2.6. Global Awareness
2.7. Financial, Economic, Business, and Entrepreneurial Literacy
2.8. Civic Literacy
2.9. Health Literacy
2.10. Environmental Literacy
3. Assessment of Learning Skills
3.1. Paper/Pencil Tests
3.2. Problem Solving
3.3. Self-Assessment
3.4. Collaboratively Built Rubrics
3.5. Demonstration
3.6. Mentoring Others
3.7. Evidence of Transfer
3.8. Observation Over Time
3.9. Metacognition
4. Best Books
5. Personal Characteristics of Learners
5.1. Habits of Mind
5.2. Dispositions
5.3. Learning Styles
5.4. Multiple Intelligences
5.5. Knowldge Building Environments: Loertscher/Koechlin
6. Learning Skills
6.1. Information Literacy: The Research Process
6.2. Critical Thinking
6.3. Creative Thinking
6.4. Problem Solving
6.5. Threshold Concepts
6.6. Collaborative Intelligence
6.7. ICT Literacy / Digital Literacy
6.8. Visual Literacy
6.9. Media Literacy
6.10. Reading Skills
6.11. Writing Skills
6.12. Listening Skills
6.13. Speaking
7. Integrative Strategies That Boost Content Understanding
7.1. UBD
7.2. Think Models: Loertscher/Koechlin/Zwaan
7.3. The Big Think (Loertscher/Koechlin)
7.4. Active Inquiry
7.5. Flip the Skills, e.g., Learning to Read - Reading to Learn
7.6. Collaborative Teaching
8. Principal Resources About Learning to Learn
8.1. Best Articles
8.2. Best Multimedia
8.2.1. New node