Architectural Design

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Architectural Design by Mind Map: Architectural Design

1. QA Assurance

1.1. Traceability

1.2. Test Planning

2. General Architecture

2.1. Core Concepts

2.1.1. OOPS

2.1.2. SOLID Principles

2.2. Software Design Patterns

2.2.1. Gang Of Four (GoF)

2.2.2. Enterprise Level Application Pattern

2.2.3. Integration Pattern

2.3. Cloud

2.3.1. Platform As A Service

2.3.2. Infrastructure As A Service

2.3.3. Software As A Service

2.3.4. Integration As A Service

2.4. Architectural Principles

2.4.1. Separation Of Concern

2.4.2. Abstraction

2.4.3. Layering

2.5. UML

2.5.1. Class Diagram

2.5.2. Sequence Diagram

2.5.3. Activity Diagram

2.5.4. Use case Diagram

2.5.5. Flow Diagram

2.5.6. Deployment Diagram

3. Industry Proven Methods

3.1. TOGAF 9

3.1.1. Project specifications

3.1.2. End User requirements

3.1.3. Action points sign-off

3.2. ITIL V3

3.2.1. Define actions as necessary

3.3. Zachman

3.4. Agile

3.4.1. Xp

3.4.2. Scrum

3.5. Waterfall

4. Business Architecture

4.1. Analysis

4.2. Use case

4.3. User Stories

4.4. Business Strategies

4.5. Feature Prioritization

4.6. Cost Benefit Analysis

4.7. Dependency Matrix

4.8. Requirement Analysis