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Caballo by Mind Map: Caballo

1. Oxiracetam

1.1. Contextual Learning

1.2. Dementia

1.3. Long Term Potentiation

2. Piracetam

2.1. Alzheimer's

2.2. Cognitive Decline

2.3. Cognitive Enhancer

2.4. Depression

2.5. Long Term Memory

2.6. Mitochondrial Function

2.7. Reduction Aggression & Agitation

2.8. Stroke Recovery

2.9. Verbal Fluency

2.10. Working Memory

3. Tyrosine

4. Magnesium

5. Alpha-GPC

5.1. ACh Support

5.2. Anti-Memory Loss Agent

5.3. Alzheimer's disease

5.4. Athletic Performance

5.5. Cognitive Dysfunction

5.6. Lucid dreaming

5.7. Neuroplasticity

5.8. Sleep

5.9. Stoke

6. Pramiracetam

6.1. Optimizing the Adrenals

6.2. Random Recall

6.3. Spatial Memory

7. Noopept

7.1. Heightens Alpha/Beta1

7.2. Neurotrophin Production

7.3. Psychostimulatory Effect