Socratic Dialogue

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Socratic Dialogue создатель Mind Map: Socratic Dialogue

1. General

1.1. Definition is given

1.2. Finds flaws in unraveled definitions

1.3. admit IGNORANCE!

2. Thrasymachus

2.1. Rulers make bad laws

2.2. What is Justice?

2.2.1. "Might Makes Right!"

2.3. Polemarchus

3. Symposium

3.1. Starts with the love of physical things

3.1.1. Becomes a love of virtue: Courage Temperance Prudence Justice

4. Euthyphro

4.1. What is Piety?

4.1.1. That which is loved by the gods. somethings loved by gods.

4.1.2. They love just humans actions

4.1.3. Is it loved because it is holy or holy because it is loved?

4.1.4. Give service to gods. Prayers only ask of them. Sacrifices only give back what we have taken.