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Socratic Dialogue by Mind Map: Socratic Dialogue

1. General

1.1. Admits ignorance

1.2. Find Flaws-unravels defintion

1.3. Definition is given

2. Euthypro

2.1. What is piety?

2.1.1. That which is loved by the gods Some things loved by some gods

2.1.2. They love just human actions Is is loved because it is holy, or is it holy because it is loved?

2.1.3. Give a Service to the gods Prayers only ask of them Sacrifices only give back

3. Thrasymachus

3.1. What is justice?

3.1.1. Might makes Right

3.2. Rulers make bad laws

3.3. Polemardus says T is wrong

4. The Meno: What is Virtue?

4.1. Virtue is different for everyone

4.1.1. Socrates demands one definition of virtue Example from nature (and mathematics, b/c those were the origins that philosophy were drawn from)

4.2. Virtue is the governing of mankind

4.2.1. Doesn't discuss justice being just; people getting what they deserve

4.2.2. Slaves and children don't have power

4.3. Virtue is the desire of things honorable and the powers of attaining them.

4.4. Figure: the which follows colour

4.4.1. where colour ends, the figure is now defined. ex: red triangle against white piece of paper. where is the figure defined? where the red stops, that is no longer the figure.

4.5. Socrates always relates the big questions to the 4 cardinal virtues

4.5.1. temperence the ability to resist lust/desires

4.5.2. justice

4.5.3. courage

4.5.4. prudence

4.6. *Socrates & Sophists alike, despite their contrasting views, both apply debate tactics to defeat their opponents

4.7. ~Socrates believed that we were all born with the big "T." --->

4.7.1. But at birth, we forgot it all --> Therefore, we have always known the truth. --> Wee need good teachers to help and guide us to recover the Truth (Anamensis). Our teachers point out our mistakes, and help us go back to rediscover "T."