Socratic Dialogue
by Holly Doyle

1. General
1.1. Definition's Given
1.2. Find flaws, unravel definition
1.3. Admit Ignorance
2. Euthyphro
2.1. What is piety?
2.1.1. That which is loved by the Gods Some things loved by the Gods
2.1.2. They love just human actions Is it loved because it is holy, or holy because it is loved?
2.2. Give a service to the Gods
2.2.1. Sacrifices only give back to them
2.2.2. Prayers only ask of them
3. Thrasymachus
3.1. What is justice?
3.1.1. "Might makes right."
3.2. Rulers make bad laws
3.3. Polemarchus says "Truth" is wrong.
4. Symposium - Diotima teaches Socrates
4.1. Starts with a love of physical things
4.1.1. Develops into a love of virtue: courage, temprance, prudence, and justice.