1. SEO
1.1. Sites
1.1.1. Google Adwords
1.1.2. Overture Keyword Selector
1.1.3. wordtracker.com
1.1.4. keyworddiscovery.com
1.2. KEI
1.2.1. don't pay any attention...
1.3. Tools
1.3.1. Webmaster Central
1.3.2. Sitemaps.org
1.3.3. rel=nofollow e.g. dont pass PageRank onto Terms & Conditions page
1.3.4. Google Blogs Matt Cutts other Googlers
1.3.5. Yahoo Site Explorer
2. Intro
2.1. 80% of Internet user sessions begin at the search engines
2.2. Search engines
2.2.1. Google: 60%
2.2.2. Yahoo: 22%
2.2.3. LiveSearch: 11%
2.3. got in a bit late so the first 10 mins are missing...
3. SEO 7 Steps
3.1. Get your site fully indexed
3.1.1. don't use sitemaps as crutch for your results
3.1.2. the higher your PageRank the more often you get spidered
3.1.3. find pages that havent been spidered or where language hasnt been recognized set Google to english only search for "site:yoursite.com"
3.1.4. avoid duplicate content
3.1.5. set a robots.txt feed the file to Google Webmaster Central robots.txt verifier
3.1.6. HTTP Codes 301: passes PageRank 302: DOESN'T pass PageRank
3.2. Get your pages visible
3.2.1. 100+ signals that influence ranking
3.2.2. Title tag is most important
3.2.3. META tags dont help
3.3. Build Links and PageRank
3.3.1. "Link popularity" affects search engine rankings
3.3.2. PageRank™ - Links from “important” sites have more impact on your Google rankings (weighted link popularity)
3.3.3. Scores range from 0-10 on a logarithmic scale so 7 is MUCH better than 6!
3.4. Leverage your PageRank
3.4.1. Keep important subpages few clicks from the homepage
3.4.2. Pay attention to text within link tags avoid "Learn more" or "click here"
3.4.3. Canonicalization (www.domain.com vs. domain.com)
3.5. Encourage Clickthrough
3.5.1. Zipf's Law being no 1 is much more important than being no 2, which is much more important than being no 3
3.5.2. Snippet gets built automatically, but you CAN influence what’s displayed here
3.6. Track the Right Metrics
3.6.1. Indexation
3.6.2. Link popularity
3.6.3. Rankings
3.6.4. Keyword popularity
3.6.5. Cost/ROI
3.7. Avoid Worst Practices
3.7.1. all kinds of spamming