The Beginnings of Industrialization
by Tyler Smith
1. New node
2. Wealthy Land Owners Buy Up Small Farm Land
2.1. Invented new meathods of farming
2.1.1. Seed Drill invented by Jethro Tull
2.1.2. Crop Rotation Improvements
2.2. Produced enclosures
2.3. Forced farmers into tenant farming or moving to cities
2.3.1. Many became factory workers
2.4. Live Stock Selectively Bread
2.4.1. Robert Bakewell Allowed only best sheep to breed Weight of Sheep limbs climbed from 18 to 50 pounds.
3. Industrial Revolution Starts in England
3.1. Parliament passes laws to protect biussness ventures and is in a politicly stable England
3.2. Extensive Natural Resources
3.2.1. Water and Coal Power to power machines
3.2.2. Iron Ore for construction of new machnes
3.2.3. Rivers for Inland Trade
3.2.4. Harbors for Trade
3.3. Wealthy biussness men invest in industrial inventions
3.3.1. The labor force is emloyed in England