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Skills and Mindsets 2 por Mind Map: Skills and Mindsets 2

1. M'KIS ePortfolio Timeline and Development Plan

2. Are you ready to thrive as you create your future and find your place in the world?

3. Locate a skill and click on "+" to learn more. Click and drag to navigate the mind map.

4. Learning & Innovation

4.1. Curiosity

4.1.1. Wondering how things work and why things happen

4.1.2. Wondering how things work and why things happen

4.1.3. Admiring the beautiful and profound (aesthetics)

4.1.4. Observing and appreciating details in the world around you

4.2. Love of Learning

4.2.1. Developing your passions

4.2.2. Pursuing your interests

4.2.3. Enjoy learning about topics that fascinate you

4.3. Creativity and Innovation

4.3.1. Use different ways to come up with ideas (brainstorming, visualizing, discussing, thinking, observing, etc.)

4.3.2. Use the creative process to generate, develop, and refine ideas and solutions to problems

4.3.3. Demonstrating inventiveness to create original and worthwhile ideas

4.3.4. Be open to new perspectives, ideas, and methods

4.4. Problem Finding

4.4.1. Creative ability to define, identify, or develop a problem

4.4.2. Considering multiple viewpoints and ideas

4.4.3. Understanding concepts and models well enough to build on previous knowledge

4.4.4. Defining purposes, identifying areas of interest, crafting a relevant and interesting question worth investigating

4.5. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

4.5.1. Identifying key ideas, what a solution might look like, and creating a plan to investigate the problem

4.5.2. Solving different kinds of problems in familiar and completely new ways

4.5.3. Analyzing evidence, arguments, claims and beliefs

4.5.4. Making connections between different subjects and topics

4.6. Communication and Collaboration

4.6.1. Sharing thoughts and ideas using oral, written, visual, and non-verbal communication

4.6.2. Using multiple media, techniques, and technologies to engage your audience

4.6.3. Understanding your audience and the purpose of your presentation

4.6.4. Listening effectively and respond appropriately

4.6.5. Working productively and respectfully with a variety of people

4.6.6. Making compromises and put group goals first

5. M'KIS Exemplar Portfolio

6. Based on the Framework for 21st Century Learning from

7. These skills and mindsets, and ESLR's will be used to throughout your reflection posts.

8. Information, Media, & Technology

8.1. Digital Citizenry

8.1.1. Presenting yourself well online

8.1.2. Connecting appropriately with people online

8.1.3. Using social media safely to connect and learn

8.2. Pursuing Knowledge

8.2.1. Finding information

8.2.2. Judging the quality of what you find

8.2.3. Saving and organizing resources and information

8.3. Sharing and Presenting Ideas and Information

8.3.1. Sharing information with the appropriate people, groups, and networks

8.3.2. Storing pictures and videos

8.3.3. Citing information, creative commons

8.3.4. Identifying audiences and presentation purpose

8.3.5. Selecting the best media or technology to reach your presentation goal

9. Life & Career

9.1. Flexibility and Adaptability

9.1.1. Adapting to different roles, responsibilities, schedules, and situations

9.1.2. Changing strategies and plans as an investigation changes

9.1.3. Remain positive and productive in a changing situation

9.2. Social and Cross Cultural

9.2.1. Empathize with people from different backgrounds

9.2.2. Be open to new ideas and respectful cultural differences

9.3. Productivity and Accountability

9.3.1. Setting goals and making a plan of what and when things need to be completed

9.3.2. Identifying the current most important task

9.3.3. Using time wisely and working hard at the current task

9.4. Leadership and Responsibility

9.4.1. Lead by example

9.4.2. Inspire others to reach their best

9.4.3. Encourage and praise group members

9.4.4. Provide ideas and feedback

9.5. Reflective

9.5.1. Reflecting and learning lessons from experiences, processes, and assignments

9.5.2. Identifying successes and failures

9.5.3. Using your reflections to guide current and future investigations

9.6. Think for Oneself

9.6.1. Being an individual and making up your own mind

9.6.2. Developing your own opinion on issues

9.6.3. Not following group actions or decisions you don’t agree with

9.6.4. Standing up for yourself

9.7. Consider Consequences

9.7.1. Thinking about how your actions affect yourself, others, your community, and the world.

9.7.2. Realizing that you have power in your words and actions

9.8. Contributing to Society

9.8.1. Giving your time and skills to help others

9.8.2. Empathetic and compassionate

9.9. Ethics

9.9.1. Knowing right from wrong

9.9.2. Being able to analyze ethical considerations and come to informed beliefs and decisions