Protein Synthesis

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Protein Synthesis by Mind Map: Protein Synthesis

1. What?

1.1. Transcription

1.1.1. synthesizing mRNA, directed by DNA

1.2. Translation

1.2.1. synthesizing polypeptide chain, directed by RNA

2. Who?

2.1. Transcription

2.1.1. DNA

2.1.2. mRNA

2.1.3. Nucleotides of RNA

2.2. Translation

2.2.1. mRNA

2.2.2. tRNA

2.2.3. Ribosomes

2.2.4. Amino Acids

3. When?

3.1. a gene is directed to code for a protein

4. Where?

4.1. Nuclear Envelope

4.1.1. Translation

4.2. Cytoplasm

4.2.1. Transcription

5. How?

5.1. Transcription

5.1.1. 1) DNA begins to uncoil

5.1.2. 2) One strand begins synthesis

5.1.3. 3) mRNA is synthesized

5.1.4. 4) Both DNA strands recouple

5.1.5. 5) Processed mRNA leaves nucleus, enters cytoplasm

5.2. Translation

5.2.1. 1) tRNA carries amino acids to mRNA

5.2.2. 2) tRNA anticodon pairs with mRNA codon

5.2.3. 3) Ribosomes move down mRNA chain

5.2.4. 4) First tRNA detaches from mRNA, allowing it to advance forward

5.2.5. 5) When "STOP" codon is reached, process ends and an animo acid chain is released from the ribosome

5.2.6. 6) Amino acid chains become proteins

6. Why?

6.1. Transcription

6.1.1. To create new copies of mRNA

6.2. Translation

6.2.1. To create new amino acid chains, forming new proteins