1. Språklæringsverktøy
1.1. Memrise
1.1.1. https://www.memrise.com/
1.2. Duolingo
1.2.1. https://es.duolingo.com/
1.3. Anki
1.3.1. http://ankisrs.net/
1.4. Quizlet
1.4.1. https://quizlet.com/
2. Presentasjonsverktøy
2.1. Moovly
2.1.1. https://www.moovly.com/
2.2. Genial.ly
2.2.1. https://www.genial.ly/
2.3. Prezi
2.3.1. https://prezi.com/
2.4. Sway
2.4.1. https://sway.com/
3. Arbeidsverktøy
3.1. Pixton
3.1.1. Pixton Comics | Comic strip and storyboard maker for education.
3.2. Creaza
3.2.1. Creaza - Creative and Playful Learning
3.3. Easily
3.3.1. easel.ly | create and share visual ideas using infographics
3.4. Fotobabble
3.4.1. Welcome to Fotobabble - Talking Photos
4. Tankekart
4.1. MindMeister
4.1.1. https://www.mindmeister.com/
4.2. Mindomo
4.2.1. https://www.mindomo.com/no/
4.3. bubbl.us
4.3.1. https://bubbl.us/
4.4. Coggle it
4.4.1. https://coggle.it/
5. Responsverktøy
5.1. Mentimeter
5.1.1. https://www.mentimeter.com/
5.2. Socrative
5.2.1. http://www.socrative.com/
5.3. Kahoot
5.3.1. https://getkahoot.com/
5.4. Poll Everywhere
5.4.1. https://www.polleverywhere.com/
6. Samarbeidsverktøy
6.1. Today's meet
6.1.1. https://todaysmeet.com/
6.2. Padlet
6.2.1. https://no.padlet.com/
6.3. Google Docs
6.3.1. https://docs.google.com/
6.4. NDLA samskrive
6.4.1. http://samskrive.ndla.no/
6.5. OneNote Klasseromsnotat
6.5.1. https://www.onenote.com/classnotebook#