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BST by Mind Map: BST

1. Accomodations

1.1. Details

1.1.1. Title

1.1.2. Country

1.1.3. Region

1.1.4. City

1.1.5. Type

1.1.6. Status

1.1.7. Address (text)

1.1.8. Coordinates (map)

1.1.9. Equipment

1.1.10. Description

1.2. Photos

1.2.1. Title

1.2.2. Photo

1.2.3. Is Main Photo

1.3. Rooms (list)

1.3.1. Room type

1.3.2. Title

1.3.3. Number of guests

1.3.4. Additional guests

1.3.5. Breakfast (price)

1.3.6. Price per night

1.4. Green Rating (0 ... 5 range + description)

1.4.1. Adventure

1.4.2. Arts & Culture

1.4.3. Foode & Wine

1.4.4. Nature & Wildlife

1.4.5. Walking & Hiking

1.4.6. Green Accomodation

1.5. Reviews

1.5.1. Name

1.5.2. Review text

1.5.3. Rate (0 ... 10)

2. Orders

2.1. Create Account

2.2. Client Account (guest name)

2.3. Accomodation

2.4. Editable List

2.4.1. Room title (type)

2.4.2. Date start

2.4.3. Date end

2.4.4. Visitors list First Name Last Name Date of birts Document Additional description

2.4.5. Number of nights

2.4.6. Price (autocomplete)

2.4.7. Total price (autocomplete)

2.5. Status

2.5.1. Draft

2.5.2. Paid

2.5.3. Not paid

3. Editable Lookups

3.1. Acomodation types

3.2. Room type

3.3. Cities

3.4. Countries

3.5. Equipment