Advertising changes since 2005

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Advertising changes since 2005 by Mind Map: Advertising changes since 2005

1. New Technology

1.1. Social Networking

1.1.1. Facebook Friends

1.1.2. iTunes Community

1.1.3. Foursquare Geo-Targeting Gaming Reward

1.2. Apple

1.2.1. iPhone Applications

1.2.2. iPad Books Magazines

1.3. Blogging

1.3.1. Wordpress

1.3.2. Typepad

1.3.3. Blogger

1.3.4. Twitter Micro-Blogging

1.4. Smart Phones

1.4.1. iPhone

1.4.2. Google Android

1.4.3. Blackberry

1.4.4. Information moves more freely

1.5. Smarter Cookies

2. Different Consumer Culture

2.1. Distributed Identity

2.2. More participatory

2.3. More social and transparent

2.4. Remix content with ease

2.4.1. YouTube

2.5. Location increasingly importance

2.5.1. Places

2.5.2. Gowalla

2.6. More Playful

2.6.1. Flash Mobs

2.7. Greater internet penetration and access

2.8. Green

2.9. Customization

2.10. Increased Entrepreneurship

3. Better Brand Behavior

3.1. Have a social mission

3.1.1. Dove Real Beauty

3.2. Be generous

3.2.1. Pepsi Refresh

3.3. Not just what we do, but what people do to what we do.

3.3.1. Creative Commons

3.3.2. Crowdsourcing

3.4. Create useful, entertaining, memorable, not interruptive, experiences

3.4.1. Foursquare Partnership

3.5. Everything is a channel/ Create space

3.5.1. Burger King

3.5.2. Method

3.6. More CRM

3.6.1. Facebook Fans

3.6.2. Twitter Followers

3.7. More precise geographic and behavioral targeting