1. Should include clean water
1.1. Yes!
1.2. Summary: clean water and public access to these waters is crucial to the success of our food system
1.3. Can we also increased public access to our rivers? So much is in private ownership
1.3.1. And public access to the bay! Very privatized social disparities!
1.4. Clean water and clean food equals healthy communities, this is critical
2. Will we have viable production value added businesses?
2.1. Can we effectively work together to collaboratively market our goods?
2.1.1. Yes, attendance today shows the design This is a good beginning.. So true, wish we did this in winter, farmers are all planting
2.1.2. Chesapeake Harvest brand is in the making by Easton economy drive! Corp and others And.. The Eastern shore have this directory. Harvest directory.com ( android apps and iOS )
2.2. Yes! That's my career and we need more!
2.3. SUMMARY: Collaboratively brand & market Eastern Shore foods
3. Big AG. Vs Small AG. Can they be on the same team?
3.1. Does "big AG" value small AG brings to the table?
3.1.1. Education and collaboration is essential
3.2. Yes! What if we could share infrastructure and resources that big AG already has and democratize access to the market.
3.2.1. Driven by whom?
3.2.2. Agreed – – building and respect for small AG " from big AG he would help – perhaps once The value of locally produced food and subsequent jobs/businesses it can create is widely recognized – both big and small will see the value each other plays in the food system They both have a role Everyone needs to have a chance to listen and be heard The consumer drives this system and ultimately decide what food is produced Not Always farmers market are a great place to try new things
3.2.3. Yes a focus on small farmers
3.3. Good question
3.4. Sharing a butchering facility would be a huge help to the meat production
3.4.1. Cost?
3.4.2. We need to better adjust values and connect with our place
3.5. SUMMARY: how will we integrate big AG and sustainable a small farm AG?
3.6. What about rule of turf lawn management in water quality. Farms are not the only thing/place that can change.
4. Do we or will we have a system that all can access?
4.1. we don't right now
4.2. Yes we have to
4.2.1. What is it?
4.2.2. My vision of access; affordable, culturally appropriate nutrient rich foods without traveling super far. And I think we can do this! We still can do this! For our children and family.
4.2.3. We can if we create and implement a policy for food access, affordability Indeed, are the movers and shakers in the policymaking arena motivated to do so? Can we drive motivation? Well it's always all about money. But have you noticed that McDonald's is selling those breakfast meals now? The needle is shifting – baby builders is responding to some consumer demands, look at rise in organic food the past few years We need to help the farmers six seed first many policies are not helping small farmers six seed instead they weigh them down a dream any profit How?
4.3. Summary: engaging the political process is important to creating a food system to which all have access. First, we need to create policies which support farmers and then create systems change access into new policies which I'm sure access
5. How will the ES population be different in 2030? Age? Demographics? Density? Development? Metro area? Help me learn what shifts me underway please!
5.1. How will our climate be different? Rate and volume of precipitation? How does that affect farming?
5.1.1. What parasites, plant disease, invasive species will we have in changed climate? How do we make each system resistant? And native diverse systems that Pure resources can farming mimic that idea? Touché That's what they should be doing ideally there are no monocultures in nature
5.2. SUMMARY: responding to climate and demographic changes as well as diversification's role in resilience
6. Families have power to impact food decisions and food policy related to agriculture and nutrition
6.1. These two things equal community-based food system to me
6.1.1. Yes, indeed, by getting healthy choices to all communities, we create an actual system Insurance companies are moving healthcare industry from fee-fee service to population health models. They have big incentives to keep people healthy and out of hospitals. They should participate Local health departments also need to be at the table on all this
6.2. Healthy, fresh food is affordable, accessible to all, and producers are fairly compensated. How can we do this?
6.2.1. Economies of scale institutional commitment in community partnering/collaborating cooperatives Also a rule for legislative at multiple levels.
6.2.2. A shift in sub studios parentheses (from commodities to food people eat) until the market is established Less monocropping for outside markets, their focus on diversification to feed people in our communities
6.2.3. Replacing nutrients from chemicals with nutrients
6.3. SUMMARY: Affordable healthy for education is essential to changing or affording how we Purchase and consume food. Family, community, schools, and responsible business affect this process
7. Farmers are integrated into the community; valued, trusted, fairly compensated, and stewards of the land and water.
7.1. And respected/valued by all, including elected officials and other businesses!
7.1.1. Yes we should have a state position to bringMD's food system around
7.1.2. Many of our elected officials are farmers or come from AG background So we need more in Annapolis and on federal hill
7.1.3. In order to gain attention (if not value) regional food systems need to be an economic development engine/a value based engine Yes!
7.1.4. SUMMARY: kids learn about farming/food early and often; small farmers engage in politics/policy development; holistic farm/family/politics synergy
7.2. Farming is seen as an appealing and sustainable career path which young people aspire to(even seen as sexy)
7.2.1. Wary farmers are sexy, LOL We work hard and are growing amazing food
7.2.2. What does it look like if farmers can't afford health insurance? Have not been able to contribute to the "system" How about a Maryland policy assuring health insurance for farmers? What about workers in the farm also Agree, not currently available. Health insurance may be affordable if we are all eating healthy chemical free foods Again affordability is an issue fact; healthier food cost more when you do not live on a farm
7.2.3. Education in this area needs to begin in early school years and continue so the concept of farming and the more of knowledge where our food comes from is integrated I agree, when children are involved with learning about valuing food sources, they grow into adults who make healthier choices Do we know this for sure More education focused on growing food at home in rural communities-we have the land Well said! So so true!
7.2.4. SUMMARY: change perception of farming; 1) profitable/little wage 2) access to health insurance 3) water is available and affordable 4) change perception of the cost of final production 5) string crops- small medium, large 6) access to healthy food is important
7.3. Saving community is tough when we work long hours on the farm or elsewhere
8. Has research changed the diet constitution?
8.1. Are you suggesting we broaden our range of food products and what we consider or define as food.
8.1.1. Yes many heirloom veggies and heritage breed livestock can be brought back plus insects are being eaten around the world. There is a company in the U.S. That is now selling cricket-flowers as gluten free option
8.2. Not sure what the diet constitution means.
8.2.1. Nutritional information drives what people eat. so what will we be eating in 15 years? The same food or new foods that are uncommon today Marketing drives what foods people eat True let's teach the public please
8.2.2. Nutritional information drives what people eat. So what will we be eating in 15 years! The same food or new foods that are uncommon today.
8.3. SUMMARY: we need to remain flexible with the foods we consume to include non-traditional foods
9. Should it connect with "other" food systems in state/region?
9.1. good point
9.2. Absolutely!
9.3. Yes, and even globally… We need to market our food specialty products far beyond our regions.
9.3.1. Export=jobs
9.3.2. Transporting product consumers vast amounts of resources. Local!.
9.3.3. But after we feed our communities..?
9.4. Yes, there are many lessons to share and we need to reduce duplication to accelerate change
9.4.1. Keep communicating & measuring success
9.5. It will be connected whether we like it or not, so let's plan for it and be strategic because there are real benefits and opportunities here
9.5.1. Agree
9.6. Yes b/c we need to bring fisheries to the rest of the region and beef to shore - for examples
9.6.1. beef to shore? Really?
9.6.2. Oyster farms
9.6.3. What about the "whole of diet" concept of one farm supplying literally every item needed not just veggies but beef, seafood, nuts, fruits, grains, seeds, cheese, herbs, ect.? Subsistence farming like it used to be is in many places around the world Political gearing
9.6.4. wouldn't somethings be better produced elsewhere? ES does a great job and has climate for produce and seafood-maybe team up with another area that are suited for livestock? So building a distribution system that works across regions for locals fields is important. Agreed this is critical to maintain areas are better Valued for certain things and productions