Transatlantic Youth Agenda EU-LAC cooperation-AEGEE
by Alejandro Injoque
1. Urgent Actions
2. Meetings and Agenda
3. Exchange
3.1. Exchange Structure
3.2. General Aims and Objectives
3.2.1. 1. Cultural Exchange
3.2.2. 2. Political Education
3.2.3. 3. Exchange of Best Practices
3.2.4. 4. Critical Youth Opinion
3.2.5. 5. Sustainable Cooperation („pilot project“)
3.3. Working Programme and Activities
3.3.1. Team building
3.3.2. Meetings
3.3.3. Workshops
3.3.4. Discussions
3.3.5. Excursions:
3.3.6. Evaluation sessions
3.4. Outcome and Prospect
3.5. Background
3.5.1. EU LAC 2012
3.5.2. EYV Service
4. Strategic Documents
4.1. Note with Strategic Documents for us
4.2. Word File with Additional Activities Proposal
5. Goals
6. Nuevo nodo
7. Nuevo nodo
8. New node
9. New node
10. Grantmaking and Donormaking
10.1. Link to Grantmaking List
10.2. Important Deadlines
11. Project Outline
11.1. Link to the Project Outline in Google Docs
12. Initiatives Coordinators
12.1. Contact Information
12.1.1. Google Group