Teaching Course 2: Movement Disorders - Advanced

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Teaching Course 2: Movement Disorders - Advanced by Mind Map: Teaching Course 2: Movement Disorders - Advanced

1. Navigation

1.1. Main Conference Mindmap link:

1.2. Color coding

1.2.1. Pink branches links to mindmaps

1.2.2. Blue Branches link to Pubmed work of authors

2. Presenters

2.1. A. Berardelli

2.1.1. Basal Ganglia functions

2.1.2. Presentation mindmap link:

2.2. D. Berg

2.2.1. Neuro degeneration with brain Iron accumulation

2.2.2. Presentation mindmap link:

2.2.3. Author on Pubmed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&cmd=DetailsSearch&term=Berg+D.[Author]

2.3. D. Burn

2.3.1. Movement disorders look-alikes: the great pretenders

2.3.2. Presentation mindmap link:

2.4. C. Wider

2.4.1. Update on dopamine responsive dystonia

2.4.2. Presentation mindmap