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Middle East por Mind Map: Middle East

1. Most oils in the Middle East are in Saudi Arabia. This causes Saudi Arabia to be a very polluted country.



4. In the Middle East, if the country is richer, then the people in the country usually have to pay less to buy oil. This is because the reason most countries in the Middle East are rich, is because they have an overflow of oil. However, if the country is not as rich, they usually pay more for the oil.

5. Iraq produces a lot of oil. Although it "seeps from the ground" in Southern Iraq, there is so much of it that you can smell it in Northern Iraq.

5.1. Since the oil seeps into the ground in Iraq, we wonder if the ground becomes sticky and wet because of the oil.

6. The 19 countries of the Middle East has just less than half of the world's total oil reserves. This is why they spend only $3 to get a barrel of oil.

6.1. Even hough the 19 countries have 49% of the worlds oil reserves some of them still have problems with not having enough oil.

7. Though 19 countries of the Middle East has 49% of the worlds oil reserves some of those countries still have to rely on imports for oil due to the fact that the oil is not evenly spread out.

7.1. Even though the 19 countries have 49% of the worlds oil reserves some of them still have problems with not having enough oil.

8. A solution would be that the countries of the Middle East could create a big area to put their oil in. Then, they could have tunnels that lead to the different countries and make it so that each country can get enough oil depending on its population.

9. In the article "Middle East Water Crisis," it says "the UAE is confronted with a serious depletion of their available water resources."

9.1. We infer that that part of the reason the Middle East is low on water is because they use most of their water on luxury rather than their needs.

10. They also use too much water on agriculture rather then on things such as drinking and making food. In the article "Middle East Water Crisis," it says "Agriculture uses 85 percent of water in this region. It is common to misuse land by heavy irrigation in the Middle East."

10.1. People are being impacted because for example, in Yemen, they are being malnourished. They are being malnourished because Yemen isn't able to "produce enough food to sustain its population."

11. People are being impacted because for example, in Yemen, they are being malnourished. They are being malnourished because Yemen isn't able to "produce enough food to sustain its population."

11.1. This is because of the water crisis. Because of the lack of water, and desertification, some areas can't produce food.

12. Desalination can produce water needed, but it also harms peoples health. It also releases pollution into the air and costs a lot of money.

12.1. Desalination uses a lot of energy, harms wildlife, and also causes pollution, which isn't good for the environment.

13. We think that the people in the Middle East should use their water better.

13.1. We think that people in the Middle East should use imports for agriculture instead of using 85% of their water for producing their own agriculture.

13.2. One solution could be to manage their water better by using sustainable irrigation methods and having less desalination plants.

14. Although the Middle East is rich with oil, they are reluctant to share it. Some countries have to rely on imports from other countries.

14.1. If the Middle East were to share their oil more, then a lot of the problems for other countries would be solved and the people would still have a lot of oil.