1. YouTube
1.1. YouTube provides me with the visual learning that I need, while connecting me with others. If I am in need of learning something, I can usually find it on YouTube: from Tech help to educational practices.
1.1.1. Google for Education Channel I keep up to date on the latest Google for Education products, updates, and changes through their YouTube channel. As a GAFE district, it is essential for me to keep current for my own practice. In addition, this will help me provide the best professional development to those in my district.
2. Twitter
2.1. Twitter is the number one in my PLN. I am able to connect with educators all over the world. I am able to collaborate with elementary school teachers and administrators. I find the best educational resources on Twitter through connections I have made at conferences or by following chat hashtags. I can be as active as I want one day by contributing or the next receiving professional development through Twitter. In my opinion, Twitter is a constant PLN for me and provides me with diverse learning opportunities.
2.1.1. #TeamUMS I was fortunate to work at UMS for five years and benefited from their well-developed professional development plan and access to technology. Even though I am no longer apart of their team, I use Twitter to keep them as a part of my PLN.
2.1.2. #CUERockstar I was first introduced to the power of Computer Using Educators (CUE) in October of 2014 at Fall CUE. You can read about my experience via the arrow link button. I started following the hashtag above to continue my learning and to connect with innovative educators.
3. Blogs
3.1. Blogs is a great way to gain a broader perspective in terms of today's educational field. Reading different blogs allows me to peer into the minds of some of today's best educators. Their reflections help me grow as an educator.
3.1.1. The EdTechTeam I use the EdTechTeam's blog to keep up with educational technology and innovative classroom practices. For example, one of January's blog posts focused on #inspiringspaces in classrooms. In this blog post I learned about ways to transform classrooms into inspiring spaces with little money, as well as find additional educators to follow on Twitter.
4. Websites
4.1. The internet connects us with invaluable information. As many others do, I use websites to gain knowledge and develop myself as professional. Many websites I utilize I consider part of my PLN.
4.1.1. Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything This website really is a guide to everything and I use it regularly to develop myself and develop others. For example. her guide to Twitter has helped me connect other educators on this Social Network. Her guide to Chromebooks in Schools as informed my practice as an educator. This website is a must for every PLN.