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Types of Curation by Mind Map: Types of Curation

1. Crowdsourced Curated News Aggregators

1.1. Slashdot

1.2. NowPublic

1.3. Newser


2. Curated News Channels

2.1. Arts & Letters Daily

2.2. The Huffington Post

2.3. Drudge Report

2.4. Poynter - Romenesko Latest News

2.5. Abnormal Returns

2.6. The Week - World Business

2.7. SmartBrief

2.8. MarketWatch Bi-Weekly

2.9. Liqurious - What's your poison

2.10. Dicole Radar

2.11. MediaGazer

2.12. WeSmirch

2.13. Ballbug - MLB Buzz Bot - Baseball news

2.14. Techmeme

3. Automated Real-Time Twitter News Channels

3.1. Tweetmeme

3.2. Championist

3.3. Muck Rack - Technology

3.4. Venture Maven

3.5. Dvlprs - Ajax

3.6. Giant Red Carpet - Actors

3.7. InkPill - Web Design

3.8. - FashionFeed

4. Curated Video Channels

4.1. Chunnel TV

4.2. Vidque

4.3. Newslook

4.4. Devour

5. Curated News Summaries and Lists of Links

5.1. Web Developer's Handbook

5.2. Best Online Collaboration Tools - 2010-2011

5.3. FeedMyApp

5.4. Robin Good's Bookmarks

5.5. Twitter - Most Influential In Tech

5.6. Blogroll

5.7. News Summary

6. Curated Guides and SuperGuides

6.1. SEOMoz - SEO Factors - Most Important SEO Factors

6.2. RSSTop55 - Best RSS Directories and Search Engines

6.3. Smashing Magazine - 25 Useful Videos and Presentations For Designers

6.4. PCWorld - 50 Tools To Speed Up Your PC

6.5. MasterNewMedia - The Video Encoding Guide

6.6. Social Media Examiner - Top 10 Facebook Pages

6.7. Tsunami 2005 - All of The Video Clips

7. Crowdsourced Automated News Aggregators - Memetrackers


7.2. Reddit

7.3. Wikio

7.4. Yahoo Buzz

8. Automated News Aggregators

8.1. Google News

8.2. Megite

8.3. Topix

8.4. NewsNow

8.5. Blogrunner - Technology

8.6. AllTop - Blogging

8.7. Buzztap - NBA