Meme-Authoring and Management Software

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Meme-Authoring and Management Software by Mind Map: Meme-Authoring and Management Software

1. singleuser text editors

1.1. word processors

1.1.1. word

1.1.2. jers novel writer

1.1.3. pages

1.1.4. emacs

1.2. software IDEs

1.2.1. Eclipse

1.2.2. Xcode

1.3. layout

1.3.1. indesign

1.3.2. quarkxpress

1.3.3. TeX

2. multiuser text editors

2.1. etherpad

2.2. google wave

2.2.1. revenue extension: if a service provider wants to provide a wave server with a freemium subscription model, TB asks for a cut of the revenues in exchange for being features on the plugin "app store"

2.3. google docs

3. traditional email clients

3.1. eudora

3.2. outlook

3.3. mac mail

4. virtual world and MMORPGs

4.1. second life

4.2. world of warcraft

4.3. google sketchup

5. memory augments

5.1. evernote

5.2. journlr

5.3. zotero

6. attention-sparing authoring environments

6.1. ommwriter

6.2. writeroom

7. graphical editors

7.1. omnigraffle

7.2. mindmappers

7.2.1. mindmeister

7.2.2. mindnode


8. quantitative tools

8.1. excel

8.2. numbers

8.3. sas

8.4. rapidminer

8.5. r

8.6. spss

9. presentation oriented

9.1. prezi

9.2. powerpoint

9.3. keynote

10. to-do task managers and project managers

10.1. omniplan

10.2. microsoft project

10.3. omnigraffle

11. calendaring interfaces

11.1. cooperative calendaring

12. internet media UIs, multi-family

12.1. status updaters

12.1.1. tweetdeck

12.1.2. seesmic

12.2. instant messaging clients

12.2.1. libpurple

12.2.2. ichat

13. internet media UIs, single-family

13.1. mud clients

13.2. skype

13.3. other voip clients

14. ebook readers

14.1. kindle

15. content workflow systems

15.1. photographs

15.1.1. lightroom

15.2. text

15.2.1. web-based CMS

15.2.2. adobe incopy

15.3. lotus notes

16. web browser TEXTAREA

16.1. IE

16.2. firefox

16.3. chrome

16.4. safari

17. web gadgets

17.1. mac dashboard

17.2. embedded into websites

17.2.1. twitter widget

18. map interface

18.1. google maps

18.2. google earth

19. p2p filesharing clients

19.1. azureus

19.2. bittorrent

19.3. kazaa

20. non-p2p file transfer clients

20.1. ftp client

21. address book contact manager

22. quick access tools

22.1. quicksilver