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Programming by Mind Map: Programming

1. Collections

1.1. Arrays

1.2. Maps

1.3. Sets

1.4. Algorithms

1.4.1. Searching

1.4.2. Sorting

2. Types

2.1. Classes

2.1.1. Inheritance

2.1.2. Abstract

2.1.3. Overloading

2.1.4. Polymorphysm

2.2. Interfaces

2.3. Traits

2.4. Serialization

2.4.1. TextSerial JSON XML HTML

2.4.2. Binary Protobuf

2.5. Structs

2.5.1. Unions

2.6. Primitive Types

2.6.1. Floating

2.6.2. Integer

2.6.3. Bytes

2.6.4. Enums

2.6.5. Operators

2.6.6. Strings

3. Flow-Control

3.1. Branching

3.2. Looping

3.3. Mapping

3.4. Reducing

3.5. Process Control

4. Input-Output

4.1. Sockets

4.1.1. TCP

4.1.2. Datagrams

4.1.3. Raw Sockets

4.1.4. Serial

4.1.5. Pipes

4.2. Files

4.2.1. Ramdom_Access

4.2.2. Sequential

4.2.3. Text

4.2.4. Binary

4.2.5. Memory Maps

4.2.6. Folders

4.3. Media

4.3.1. Sound

4.3.2. Graphics

5. Security

5.1. Encryption

5.2. Hashing

5.3. Certificate Based

5.3.1. SSL

5.3.2. HTTPS

6. Diiagnostics

6.1. Logging

6.2. Performance

6.3. Exceptions

6.4. Tracing and Watching

7. Memory

7.1. Stack

7.2. Heap

7.3. Mutability

7.4. Immutability

7.5. Garbage-Collection

7.6. Pointers

8. Functions

8.1. Pass-by-Value

8.2. Pass-by-Ref

8.3. Recursion

8.4. Currying

8.5. Composition

8.6. Delegates (Function as Data)

8.7. Declaration/Invocation

9. System Info

9.1. Network Properties

9.1.1. IP

9.1.2. Port

9.2. System Properties

9.2.1. Arguments

9.2.2. Environment Vars

9.2.3. Host info

9.2.4. User Info

9.2.5. Memory Usage

9.2.6. CPU Usage

10. Concurrency

10.1. Threads

10.1.1. Thread Hierarchy

10.1.2. Control Threads

10.1.3. Thread Pools

10.2. Locks

10.3. Futures

10.4. Promises

10.5. Async

11. Integration

11.1. REST

11.2. RPC

11.3. FFI

11.4. Scripting

12. SDLC

12.1. Unit Testing

12.2. Source Control

12.3. Modules and Packages

12.4. Deployment

12.5. Code Organization

12.6. Compilation/Interpretation

12.7. Errors and Warnings

12.8. Byte Code Format

12.9. Binary Code Generation

12.10. Aspects

12.11. Mocking

13. Text

13.1. Simple Searching and Merging

13.2. Tokenizing and Escaping

13.3. Regular Expresssions

13.4. UTF