1. 2000 Day Pilot Rick Stevenson
1.1. Approved by the school board and risk management
1.2. Learnings: Story really is told between 10 and 15 years old
1.2.1. New node
1.3. Project has helped students process the events that have happened to them better.
1.4. The next step is to make a video journal. Rick and his company will then come into a school, set up a computer and lights in a room, and then interview students via computer technology. The district psychologist will review the questions. We have 20-30 spots. Want to start in the fifth or sixth grade.
1.5. If we have teachers who want to be involved, please let your building principal know.
1.6. Here is a link that explains the project. Another link will soon follow: http://rickstevenson.com/mission1.html
2. Instruction
2.1. October 25 Mt. Rainer room presentation of "Common Core Standards" Starts at 7:00
2.1.1. The future of our State standards
2.2. Need to know what materials we need for Cert. Support. Cannot afford Writing, but we can purchase math. This is for Cert. Support.
2.3. Orders for consumables need to go through the principals because distributing the materials is labor intensive. We need to be as accurate as we can possibly be for this request
2.4. Sue is applying for waiver days again for the next three years. She would like the information about how we used these days to apply for the grant again. She would also like documents of how we communicate to our parents (flyers, website updates...etc).
3. Assessment
3.1. Tabled until next Wednesday from 9:30-10:30 in the morning D105
4. Student Services
4.1. K-12 grade Moderate/Severe self-contained classrooms program alignment work
4.1.1. Working on alignment that will be p-12.
4.1.2. Step 1: Work on Mission Statement. Shoreline special educators will work with families, staff and community members to maximize each student's abilities to read outcomes that match his or her unique strengths and interest. We will teach (a) safe independence, (b) life skills to support and foster community inclusion (c) necessary skills so students will be productive, responsible and integrated (contributing?) members of their community.
4.1.3. Step 2: Vertical Alignment: Identify goal areas, identify the skills for each goal area and align them vertically, identify materials/training needed, and develop data systems for sharing and documenting of information/skills specific areas of instructional focus.
4.1.4. Special Ed 101. Coming soon for administrators. Will be during the day after lunch
4.1.5. Received an additional $25,000 for RTI mini grants.
5. ASB
5.1. Given ASB Account Numbers
5.2. Given Fundraising form from District Office
5.3. Given a K-6 Internal Controls Checklist
5.4. Spending of Money has to fall under CARS. Cultural, Athletic, Recreational, Social. Cannot be graded activities, activities as part of academia...
5.5. Given a charitable fundraising document
5.6. New Safes will be arriving from Sharon Suver-Jones budget
5.7. WESPaC is going to be down for two days in January 27-28 as we can convert two a new system.
5.8. Staff members cannot sign contracts. Only the school board can sign a contract. Any contract.
6. Miscellaneuous
6.1. Report Card Dates will be discussed via email because of time
6.2. Reminder to let staff know that we will be starting our CEL learning walks soon.
6.3. Brian will look into the use of student kitchen helpers and the challenges this pose to instruction.
6.4. Parents who don't pick up students. An hour is a reasonable amount of time for emergencies. Can call the LFP or Shoreline Police Department. If we are with a student after everyone goes home, call district office. District office wants the building administrator to call the police.
7. Envision Math
7.1. Difference between Envision and other math
7.1.1. Daily Spiral Review @ POD vs Warm-up and Opener
7.1.2. Problem based interactive learning vs. direct instruction and examples
7.1.3. Students talking about math, engaging in math interactions, hands on/Minds on activities, visual learning bridge, learning animation vs. Guided practice New node
7.1.4. Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Quick Check/Center Activities vs. Independent Practice
7.2. Pace
7.2.1. Paced out to 140 instructional days. Kindergarten is paced out to 120 instructional days
7.2.2. Day one of a unit and the last day of the unit look different than the rest of the unit.
7.3. PROJECT ALL. EVERYTHING IS "HOT" That is, can click on the item, and then it shows up on the projector.
7.4. Step 1: Five or ten minutes max. A suggestion is to project the section and have students work on it. Step 1 is foundational and spirals through the year. Step 1 is not about teaching mini lessons, or making sure everyone has mastered the concept. This is to be a warm up activity. FIVE to TEN minutes at the most. Teachers need to be mindful of the time. Either choose the quick worksheet, or the Problem of the Day. GET IT DONE QUICKLY and WALK AWAY...
7.5. Step 2: Most critical component of the lesson. The "Heart and Sole" of the lesson. This portion of the lesson takes 10-15 minutes on paper, but in reality, it takes a little longer.
7.6. Step 3: This is the visual learning bridge. This is were the teacher connects the lesson. This is were teachers launch the video. Be sure to have students think about the questions as the video plays. This is at the 35-40 minute point of the lesson. Use the online resources to support student learning.
7.7. Step 4: Close/Assess and Differentiate. In reality the quick check is suppose to be done at the end of the 60 minute sessions, grade the closing activity, and then work with the students who are showing interventions. A way to get this done is to check for understanding during the guided and independent practice. Monitor for learning during this time to see who is in need of an intervention. Look during the guided practice to see who needs the intervention. The closing activities are a way to progress monitor.
7.8. Reminder: Bank as many of the minutes of a unit in the beginning. Need to work towards having flexibility. Why? Need to teach the yellow and pink lessons. These are crucial. They cannot be skipped. So, when students are getting the concepts early on, move on.
7.10. If you have to, let go of the close and assess. What works best? 1.5 hours of math time. But, if that is not an option, keep on track "time wise" on step 1, and monitor understanding during step 3, to cut out step 4.
7.11. Toured the online assessment portion, learned how to look at assessment data...etc. As administrators, we can pull all the data.
7.11.1. Has everyone given online assessments? Does everyone know how? What is the expectation for giving the online assessments?
7.11.2. Bigger question... What are our expectations for implementing with fidelity?