Murder on the Orient Express: Characters

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Murder on the Orient Express: Characters by Mind Map: Murder on the Orient Express: Characters

1. Ratchett

1.1. Unkind eyes

1.2. Seems to dislike Poirot

1.3. Rich man with many enemies

1.4. Killed a bit after 1:15 AM - Poirot heard it

1.4.1. As determined by Constantine, a bit after 1:00 AM

1.5. Last seen alive at 12:40 AM when he talked to the conductor

1.6. Stabbed in 15 places - not suicide

1.7. Blunt force wounds given randomly and sloppily

1.8. Told Poirot his life was in danger

1.9. American

1.10. Has received threatening letters from unknown source

1.10.1. Written by multiple people Printed, not written

2. Hector MacQueen

2.1. Ratchett's secretary

2.2. Doesn't seem too surprised about Ratchett's death

2.3. Expected murder before Poirot told him so

2.4. American

2.5. Believes Ratchett left America to escape somebody -- an enemy wanting to kill him?

2.6. Suspects Ratchett isn't Ratchett's real name

2.7. Disliked Ratchett

2.8. Got defensive when Poirot asked if he was on good terms with Ratchett

2.9. Smokes cigarettes

2.10. Was talking to Colonel in his own compartment when the murder happened

2.11. Nervous during luggage search

3. Mrs. Hubbard

3.1. Talks about her daughter a lot

3.2. Elderly American woman

3.3. On staff of an American college

3.4. "Dead scared" of Ratchett

3.5. Has a distaste for Ratchett, but being merely scared of someone wouldn't be a good motive to kill them.

3.6. Pink flannel and purple silk dressing gowns - no red kimono

3.7. Bloody knife found in her bag

3.8. Button from a Wagon Lit conductor uniform is found by the window in her compartment

3.9. Hinted at an impending murder

4. Greta Ohlsson

4.1. Doesn't speak English very well

4.2. Sister's children are waiting for her

4.3. Swedish

4.4. Pale purple dressing gown

4.5. Works as a matron in a missionary school, is a trained nurse

4.6. 49 years old

4.7. Agitated when a luggage search was conducted

4.8. Nurse to Daisy Armstrong

5. Dr. Constantine

5.1. Small

5.2. Dark

5.3. Greek

5.4. Factual

6. Pierre Michel

6.1. Explains how he found Ratchett on page 53

6.2. Wagon Lit Conductor

7. Poirot

7.1. Factual

7.2. Objective thinker

7.3. Experienced

8. Cyrus Hardman

8.1. Goes under the cover of being a typewriter salesman, but is actually a detective in New York

8.2. American

8.3. Says the murderer is a small, dark man with a womanish voice

8.3.1. Description applies to no one on the train

8.4. Got his sleep during the day and stayed awake during the night on watch; says that he saw nobody leaving or coming onto the train

8.5. Employed by Ratchett to protect him from his enemies

8.6. Smokes cigarettes

9. Antonio Foscarelli

9.1. Italian-American

9.2. Agent for car company Ford

9.3. Seems to be very nice

9.4. Talks a lot about his job and how great America is

9.5. Likes to talk a lot

9.6. Smokes cigarettes

9.7. Chauffeur for the Armstrongs

10. M. Bouc

10.1. Head of Wagon Lit security

10.2. Friend of Poirot

10.3. Polite

10.4. Believes the Italian is the murderer

11. Colonel Arbuthnot

11.1. Fancies Mary

11.2. English Indian

11.3. Retired military

11.4. Does not believe that Mary could have committed the crime

11.4.1. Denies it with feeling

11.5. Says that he was in MacQueen's compartment at 1:15 AM

11.5.1. Stopped talking at 1:45 AM

11.6. Does not like Americans

11.7. Smokes a pipe

11.8. Says he favors trial by jury over private justice

11.9. Cold personality

12. Mary Debenham

12.1. Governess

12.2. Travelling from Iraq to England

12.3. English

12.4. Cold personality

12.5. Very defensive when luggage search is conducted

12.6. Would not tell Poirot the meaning of the suspicious words she'd spoken with the Colonel

12.6.1. Said she was talking about a secret task

12.7. Lost her temper on the day the train was delayed going to Stamboul, which is out of character for her

12.7.1. Says her friend was waiting for her in London and the delay messed up their plans

12.8. She is not, however, worried about the delay with the snow

12.9. Her journey from Iraq to London was the first time she met the Colonel

12.10. Overheard saying "Not now, when it's all over." to Colonel Arbuthnot, but refused to tell Poirot what those words meant

13. Princess Dragomiroff

13.1. Unusually ugly

13.2. Rich

13.3. Aristocratic

13.4. Large personality

13.5. Has rheumatoid arthritis

14. Hildegarde Schmidt

14.1. German lady's maid of the princess

14.2. Says that a small, dark man in a Wagon Lit conductor's suit with a womanish voice ran into her on her way back from the princess's compartment

14.2.1. Fits the description Hardman gave of Ratchett's enemy

14.3. Keeps her suitcase unlocked

14.4. As Poirot suspected, the Wagon Lit uniform with the missing button is in her suitcase

14.4.1. There is a key in the pocket of the uniform Explains why Mrs. Hubbard's door was locked when Greta tried it, unlocked when Mrs. Hubbard heard the intruder, and locked bn when Michel answered Hubbard's bell

14.5. Recognized her lady's handkerchief when Poirot asked about it and covered for her

15. Countess Andrenyi

15.1. Twenty-something

15.2. Very pretty

15.3. Asleep when murder occurred - took a sleeping draught

15.4. Diplomat

15.5. Has a grease spot on her passport

15.5.1. The grease spot covers a possible H that would connect her with handkerchief in Ratchett's compartment

15.6. She is Helena Goldenberg, daughter of Linda Arden, aunt of Daisy Amrstrong

15.7. Acted foreign but was completely American

16. Count Andrenyi

16.1. Handsome

16.2. Well built

16.3. Thirty-something

16.4. Asleep when murder happened

16.5. Smokes cigarettes

16.6. Control freak

16.7. Diplomat

17. Woman In Red Kimono

17.1. Seen walking away after Poirot heard a thud on his door

17.2. In Ratchett's room before he died, according to Mrs. Hubbard

17.3. Based on what Mrs. Hubbard said, she is a prostitute

18. Conductor (chef de train)

18.1. Conductor of entire train

18.2. Believes a woman killed Ratchett

19. Everybody knows that beyond Ratchett's nice facade was an evil person

20. Masterrman

20.1. Ratchett's valet

20.2. Shares a room with the Italian

20.3. Had a toothache on the night of the murder, so he stayed up all night

20.3.1. Confirmed that Antonio never left the room

20.4. Doesn't speak much

20.5. Doesn't like foreigners

20.6. English

20.7. Served in the war with Colonel Armstrong, also his valet in New York