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Hercule Poirot создатель Mind Map: Hercule Poirot

1. Princess Dragimnroff

1.1. Ugly

1.2. wealthy

1.3. aristocrat

1.4. Russian

1.5. trusts her her maid

1.6. acquainted with the Armstrong family

1.7. god mother

2. Mrs Hubbard

2.1. Talking about her daughter

2.2. Calls Ratchet a murderer

2.2.1. Kind of weird

2.3. Annoying to me

2.4. examined luggage was clean

2.5. mr Hubbard is dead

2.6. knife

2.6.1. someone put knife in bag

3. Ratchet

3.1. American

3.1.1. New York gangs

3.2. rich

3.3. untrustworthy eyes

3.3.1. armstrong s

3.4. tries to hire Poirot

3.5. gets killed

3.5.1. stabbed 12 times stabbed in different ways 3 that were capable of death others only scratches

3.6. He has enemies

3.7. Armsrong

3.8. questionable man

3.9. letter

3.10. matches

3.10.1. no pipe,cigars,or cigeretes

3.11. someone wanted to kill hm

3.12. responsible for the death of Colonel Armstrong's Family

3.12.1. Armstrong gang

4. Hector Mcqueen

4.1. Works for Ratchet

4.2. Does not like his boss

4.3. Careless when his boss is deceased

4.4. traveler

4.5. last saw him at 10:00,talked about tiles and potery

4.6. sober

5. snow stops train before he dies

5.1. Ratchett found dead

5.1.1. door locked from the inside Princess and Hungarian couple were not in the dinning car no fingerprints

5.1.2. Armstrong rival gang

5.1.3. two murderers one after other

5.1.4. multiple people

5.1.5. drugged

6. Sheep Lady

6.1. does not speak english

6.2. Sweedish

7. M. Bouc

7.1. old friend

7.2. works for train company

7.3. thinks latin woman likes him

7.4. does not think much

8. Colonel Arbuthnot

8.1. retired army

8.2. likes marry

8.3. dismissive of Poirot

8.4. smokes a pipe

8.5. thinks Ratchett deserved what he got

9. Mary Debenham

9.1. nanny

9.2. Brittish

9.3. on her way to England from Iraq

9.4. dissmissive of poirot

9.5. 26

9.6. went to bed to go to sleep

9.7. 5 minutes away from Ratchett

9.8. she could have killed him,but it would have been earlier

10. Hungarian couple

10.1. were not in dinning car

11. American Woman

11.1. talks about daughter

11.2. loud

12. swedish lady

12.1. nurse

12.2. went to ratchet's before he was murdered

13. Count and Countess Andrenyi

13.1. occupied compartments 12 and 13 adjoining

13.2. allows bags to be checked

14. Mr. Hardman

14.1. big

14.1.1. flamboyant American

14.2. American

14.3. Flamboyant

14.4. traveling salesman

14.5. Mcneils detective agency

15. colonel Arbuthnot

15.1. only daughter was killed and kidnapped

15.2. pipe cleaners identical to ones found in murders room

16. Antonio Foscarelli

16.1. Italian nautrualized

16.2. lived in America for a while

16.3. knew about the kidnapping and murder

17. Frau Schmidt

17.1. points to Mary as murderer

18. conductor came out of compartments,because he was answering bells.Towards the middle of the coach.Different conductor not the one that had woke him

19. Hildegrade Schmidt

19.1. saw the conductor

19.2. could be guilty

20. Hardman

20.1. interviewed

20.1.1. detective

20.2. detective

20.3. NY

20.4. one of the best

20.5. make sure no one gets ratchet

20.6. could be traveling with a fake passport

20.7. Hardman had liqour

21. The facts

21.1. stabbed in 12 places

21.2. crime committed quarter past one

22. possibility 2: the crime was committed and the evidence of a watch was deliberately faked

22.1. possibility 3 earlier

23. about to search all passangers luggage

24. people saw conductor go down the hallway

25. handkerchief and pipe cleaner

25.1. pipe cleaner faked clue

26. ratchets watch said 1:15 on it

27. one after other

28. Greta Ohlsson

29. letter in fire

30. Edward Masterman

30.1. english subject

31. are these people telling the truth?

32. Pierre Michael

32.1. conductor

33. whose initial on handkerchif

33.1. Elena

34. 9/12 proved guilty

35. 12 people guilty and countess is innocent,because way he defended her and proclaimed she never left her cabin.

36. the person that checked ratchet was already dead

37. relations to armstrongs