1. #Context of the Topic
1.1. We use social media on a daily basis.
1.2. "Teenagers" is a relatable age group
1.3. Self-Esteem can be easily affected especially during teenage years.
1.3.1. Reference: Jodie Gummow (2014), "7 Telltale Signs Social Media Is Killing Your Self- Esteem" , Website: http://www.alternet.org/personal-health/7-telltale-signs-social-media-killing-your-self-esteem
2. Possible #Sources of #Information
2.1. Teenagers who use social media frequently
2.1.1. Reference: Amanda Lenhart (2015), "Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015" ,Website: http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/04/09/teens-social-media-technology-2015/
2.2. Traditional Media, such as news on TV, magazines, newspapers (ironically)
2.3. Internet information sources: Blogs, Internet Journals and Articles
2.4. Academic research journals and articles.
3. #Rationale and #Aims of the Research
3.1. Rationale
3.1.1. Social media is tangible but the effects on self-esteem are not tangible - it is worth studying the effects in greater detail.
3.1.2. The results of the study may point to other effects of social media, or other contributors to perceptions of self-esteem. Reference: Brian Jung, (Chron) "The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals", Website: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/negative-effect-social-media-society-individuals-27617.html
3.1.3. In their impressionable years, teenagers can be easily influenced by media, and social media can have a powerful impact. Reference: Aulia Maharani Karli (2014), "How Strongly Can Social Media Influence and Control People’s Lives?", Website: http://www.voicesofyouth.org/en/posts/how-strongly-can-social-media-influence-and-control-people-s-lives-
3.2. Aims
3.2.1. A better understanding of the intangible effects of social media on teenagers can help inform health professionals, parents and guardians so that they can better guide usage.
4. #Primary and #Secondary Sources
4.1. Primary Sources
4.1.1. Surveys with Teenagers
4.1.2. Interviews with Teenagers
4.2. Secondary Sources
4.2.1. Academic research articles and journals