by Kurt Vega

1. Traditionally
1.1. Manager or overseer of a collection
1.1.1. gallery
1.1.2. museum
1.1.3. library
1.1.4. archive
1.2. means 'to take care'
1.3. makes decisions regarding what objects to select
1.4. shares research with the public
1.4.1. exhibitions arrangement and sequencing
1.4.2. publications
1.5. primary function
1.5.1. subject specialist
1.5.2. conduct original research history provides context tell a story
1.5.3. guide the organization in its collecting
1.6. What is curation?
2. Article - Curation, and journalists as curators
2.1. Mindy McAdams
2.2. Selection of the best representatives
2.3. Culling
2.4. Provide context
2.5. Arrangement of individual objects
2.6. Organization of the whole
2.7. Expertise
2.8. Updating
3. created by: Kurt Vega 2/22/16
4. Online
4.1. Filter (selection process)
4.1.1. judgement
4.1.2. discrimination
4.1.3. discernment
4.2. Aggregate
4.3. Organize (optional but adds value)
4.4. Publish or Present
5. Online (and informal) vs Traditional
5.1. your don't need
5.1.1. expensive tools
5.1.2. an institution or organization
5.1.3. distributor
5.1.4. training or education
5.1.5. skills or talent