Balanced Scorecard

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Balanced Scorecard por Mind Map: Balanced Scorecard

1. Grow revenue

1.1. make Account Management a billable role

1.2. Moderately priced Sitecore starter kit based on reuse project to approach mid-level creative projects.

2. Maintain margins

2.1. Ignore margins and focus on delivering value and charge for it accordingly

2.2. Billable target for each role that is actually reviewed

2.3. Institute retainer models for any clients working with us ongoing throughout a year, so we can better staff work and gain efficiencies

2.4. Keep project teams together as much as possible in order to reduce ramp-up time and knowledge loss.

2.5. agree once and for all on what exactly constitutes a billable day

3. Increase number of services used by new/existing clients

3.1. Do Analytics/SEO/Content audits to generate new work

3.2. Review backlogs, gaps quarterly for all clients to identify service opportunities

3.3. Keeping a running wishlist for each client (client & velir generated) regardless of feasibility to help in brainstorming new initiatives for that client.

3.4. bundle creative/strategic work with development as a package service, rather than as bolt-on services that are easily declined

3.5. Offer our services as Product Owners or Product Managers

4. Retain existing accounts

4.1. Finalize profitability estimation worksheet that is used for all estimates. Estimate are by resource hours by deliverable. Staffing allocations will effect margins.

4.2. Identify the right clients and up sell strategy services to existing accounts

4.3. Have a customer-service focused mindset for AM and increase in-person time, while maintaining a method of pulsing client feedback and monitoring it.

5. Deliver a superior customer experience

5.1. reconsider what we incentivize w/r/t work product

5.2. Make the Author Experience almost as important as the User Experience (AX)

5.2.1. Formalize tree review process

5.3. Change common mentality that we'll do whatever the client tells us to us directing the client with the best course of action

5.4. "How to deal with difficult clients" 101 - communications training

6. Expand service offerings

6.1. Formalize SEO audit/recommendations services

6.2. Create a standardized Sitecore GA implementation, package services to audit/enhance on rescue clients.

6.3. Formalize a content strategy offering with dedicated resources

6.4. Create analytics retainer services to compliment production support / ongoing iteration projects

6.5. Make time for resuable Datacenter modules for Drupal and Sitecore (keeps stalling)

7. Strengthen the Velir brand

7.1. Invest in innovative ideas that directly would improve the experience for our clients, which in turn could be marketed/advertised (i.e., a new/better solution for non-profit site building, editing, etc.)

7.2. Hire a team of marketers versed in content/writing , capable of executing on a content strategy

7.3. More awards submissions

7.4. Create/Define brand guidelines and a content strategy

7.5. pro-bono local site redesigns

7.6. More blog posts & hosted meet up events

7.7. Promote a culture internally for employees to know and advocate for why Velir is different

7.8. More consistent and polished documentation (design)

8. Forecast, recruit, and resource effectively

8.1. Standard expectations of seniority levels across departments

8.2. Keep the same people on the same clients/projects

8.3. Have a standardized way for interviewing people depending on role. Some departments do this much better than others

8.4. Factor midstream resource changes into timeline recognizing velocity impacts

8.5. control stream of incoming work by being more rigorous during business development

9. Create reusable assets

9.1. Create package for workflow

9.2. Create an easily accessible template/asset library

9.3. Polish reusable Image Cropping module

9.4. Continue to add and augment to topic library project

9.5. dedicate official time to keeping reusable library current

9.6. Create package to reimplement RTE embeds

9.7. Bring back MVP projects (for devs & other depts. & promote completed projects as successes internally.

10. Improve consistency of delivery

10.1. Standardize deliverable templates

10.1.1. dedicate time (or a dedicated hire) to styling deliverables before they are delivered

10.1.2. Create SEO/Analytics implementation guides

10.2. Central database for client/project information

10.3. Create project and launch checklist that extend beyond development: SEO, Content, Analytics etc.

10.4. Create modules/packages/products for common project needs: SEO plugin like Yoast etc.

11. Align delivery processes to customer needs

11.1. Roll out FABRIC

11.1.1. Create FABRIC documentation and collateral

11.2. Better align project plans and delivery to client Content Entry needs

11.3. assign strategic leadership to key clients to identify opportunities proactively

12. Invest in knowledge management

12.1. Run the shark tank selection process

12.1.1. Make sure that we define business requirements this time around and that we actually track towards them (this is specifically for the knowledge management shark tank initiative)

12.2. Allow employees dedicated resourcing for keeping knowledge and reusable assets up to date

12.3. Continue to have cross department workshops (i.e. Brad Frost)

13. Develop and promote industry thought leaders

13.1. 20% time for developing non-client, but still outward-facing, project/value

13.2. Sign up for more speaking events

13.3. Provide time for thought leaders to pursue/study/explore a topic in a way that leads to a white paper, or other form of content marketing

13.4. Allow time to pursue Sitecore MVP status for non-developers

13.5. Sponsor our own conference?

13.6. Create thought leader development plans

14. Create an onboarding strategy

14.1. Have new employees work on an internal project first to get up to speed before jumping into client work

14.2. Create standard cross-dept needs as well as dept needs

15. Establish career progression pathways

15.1. Junior role, mid level role, senior role, team lead, director

15.2. Define career path progressions that cross departments

15.3. Define clear expectations for junior hires to go solo on a client.

16. Establish individual performance expectations

16.1. Create guidelines for common performance goals for each role

16.2. define core competencies for each role that can be assessed and differentiated at various levels

16.3. fire people who aren't doing a good job :(

17. Build a strategy/consulting role and discipline

17.1. Create offering around consulting / digital business strategy services (hire strategists)

17.2. hire senior digital strategist(s)

17.3. Utilize subject matter experts as Account Managers, who can consult/sell ideas/services and act as a digital advisor

17.4. Expand strategy services on existing clients

17.4.1. Determine how we can identify clients that would be 1) Open to services offerings and 2) need services offerings