by Lauren McGuigan
1. lives in...
1.1. Some parts of Australia
1.2. They are not found in western Australia
1.3. They are also not found in Tasmania - a little island found of the south coast of Australia
1.4. they live in groups and more than one group share an area
2. cool facts!
2.1. a typical day for a koala consists of 20% feeding time and 80% sleeping.
2.2. Less than 1% of a koalas life is finding a soul mate
2.3. Koalas have a sense for finding their way home.
2.4. Koalas are marsupials so the females can hold a baby koala - joey - in a pouch that covers their tummy area.
2.5. a koalas life span is about 10 to 12 years long
3. finding food
3.1. Koalas prefer leaves of a eucalyptus tree than anything else! They have there own special food trees so that they can get and eat food easily.
3.2. They have the abilty to climb trees to get food and to hide from any predators
4. Eating.
4.1. bamboo
4.1.1. New node