Historiography Of Attitudes and Views of Race Over Time

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Historiography Of Attitudes and Views of Race Over Time by Mind Map: Historiography Of Attitudes and Views of Race Over Time

1. Student Assaulted By "Gang" In York Criticizes Police Handling Of Complaint

1.1. This article shows that there was tension between white and black people. It also shows what the consequences were because of racism and peoples views.

2. Race In America

2.1. Has many uses of sources that could be used to find more information on the topic.

2.2. Discusses early movements and ideas that have affected the protests of the 60's and today views on race.

2.3. Also in influenced by the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court case and how is has effected race over the years.

3. Black Protest in the Sixties

3.1. This book has many other secondary sources that could be of use and easily found. Also has a section called, "Suggested Reading" that tells sources to read for even better information.

3.2. Focuses on the early movements and views that started the protests in the sixties.

3.3. Also discusses the start-up and role of the NAACP in the 1900's and into the 1960's protests.

4. The Race Card

4.1. Discusses that black political leaders haven't done enough but rather racial conflicts have caused more uprising (O.J. Simpson, Huey Newton, and Louis Farrakhan)

4.2. Opens up new questions as to whether African Americans are truly served by influential leaders for their personal or professional gain?

5. An American Dilemma Revisited: Race Relations In A Changing World

5.1. Discusses how the status of African Americans has changed over the last half century.

5.2. Asks the question, "Have African American leaders failed to become effective political powers or effective in policy support fro black issues?"

5.3. Evaluates how African Americans have made huge advancements like economic and social barriers.

6. Racial Attitudes in the 1990's: Continuity and Change

6.1. Traditional prejudice among whites has declined and support for policies that would reduce racial inequality has not increased.

6.2. Discusses how race-based social, economic, and political has changed.

6.3. Focuses on the decline in White Americans overt expressions of anti-black institutions.

7. Turning Back: The Retreat From Racial Justice In American Thought And Policy

7.1. Discusses how social science has has effected race relations over the past half century.

7.2. Discusses how not until the race issues of the 1960's there was no willingness to to confront racism.

7.3. Says the effects of the race issues in the 1960's placed responsibility for racial problems on the major political and economic institutions.

8. Legend: Green Check Mark= useful and important information. Green Flag= provides new insight and useful info. Yellow Flag= satisfactory info but could be used for support.Red Flag= unsatisfactory info that must be built upon. Light Bulb= new idea or concept to add. Green Line= sources in common. Yellow sources= have multiple ideas in common but some not in common. Blue Line= one idea in common. Red Line= No ideas in common.