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1. Used to talk about

1.1. Experiences

1.2. An action which started in the past and continuous up to now

2. Already - Just - Yet

2.1. Already

2.1.1. Is used in affirmative sentences

2.1.2. Means that something happened earlier than we expected

2.1.3. Goes after have/has and before the past participle

2.2. Just

2.2.1. Is used in affirmative sentences

2.2.2. is used to express actions that have happened recently, (short time ago).

2.2.3. Goes after have/has and before the past participle

2.3. Yet

2.3.1. Is used in negative and interrogative sentences

2.3.2. means that something that we expected has happened or hasn’t happened

2.3.3. Goes at the end of a sentence

3. Since - For

3.1. Since

3.1.1. Is used when the answer is a fixed time in the past

3.2. For

3.2.1. Is used when the answer is a period of time

4. Been - Gone

4.1. Been

4.1.1. Is used when somebody has gone and returned

4.2. Gone

4.2.1. Is used when somebody has gone away and not returned

5. Ever - Never

5.1. Ever

5.1.1. Is used with "nothing" or "nobody", for things that haven't happened before

5.1.2. Is used in questions

5.1.3. Is used with "the first time" for first experiences.

5.1.4. Goes after have/has and before the past participle

5.2. Never

5.2.1. Is used in affirmative sentences with negative meaning

5.2.2. Is used in negative questions

5.2.3. Goes after have/has and before the past participle