Inspiring principles for design, life and business.

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Inspiring principles for design, life and business. by Mind Map: Inspiring principles for design, life and business.

1. Ten commandments

1.1. God ---> Moses

1.2. link

1.3. content

1.3.1. I am the Lord your God

1.3.2. You shall have no other gods before me

1.3.3. You shall not make for yourself an idol

1.3.4. Do not take the name of the Lord in vain

1.3.5. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

1.3.6. Honor your father and mother

1.3.7. You shall not murder

1.3.8. You shall not commit adultery

1.3.9. You shall not steal

1.3.10. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

1.3.11. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

1.3.12. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor

2. Powers of Ten

2.1. Charles and Ray Eames

2.2. link and video

3. Things I have learned in my life so far

3.1. Stefan Sagmeister

3.2. link

3.3. 20 learnings

3.3.1. Helping other people helps me.

3.3.2. Having guts always works out for me.

3.3.3. Thinking that life will be better in the future is stupid. I have to live now.

3.3.4. Organising a charity group is surprisingly easy.

3.3.5. Being not truthful always works against me.

3.3.6. Everything I do always comes back to me.

3.3.7. Assuming is stifling.

3.3.8. Drugs feel great in the beginning and become a drag later on.

3.3.9. Over time I get used to everything and start taking for granted.

3.3.10. Money does not make me happy.

3.3.11. My dreams have no meaning.

3.3.12. Keeping a diary supports personal development.

3.3.13. Trying to look good limits my life.

3.3.14. Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses.

3.3.15. Worrying solves nothing.

3.3.16. Complaining is silly. Either act or forget.

3.3.17. Everybody thinks they are right.

3.3.18. If I want to explore a new direction professionally, it is helpful to try it out for myself first.

3.3.19. Low expectations are a good strategy.

3.3.20. Everybody who is honest is interesting.

4. The laws of simplicity

4.1. John Maeda

4.2. link

4.3. 10 laws

4.3.1. The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction. Reduce Untitled

4.3.2. Organization makes a system of many appear fewer. Organize Untitled

4.3.3. Savings in time feel like simplicity. Time Untitled

4.3.4. Knowledge makes everything simpler. Learn Untitled

4.3.5. Simplicity and complexity need each other. Differences Untitled

4.3.6. What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral. Context Untitled

4.3.7. More emotions are better than less. Emotion Untitled

4.3.8. In simplicity we trust. Trust Untitled

4.3.9. Some things can never be made simple. Failure Untitled

4.3.10. Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful. The one Untitled

5. 10 Principles for Good Design

5.1. Dieter Rams

5.2. link

5.3. Good Design ...

5.3.1. is innovative The possibilities for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted. Technological development is always offering new opportunities for innovative design. But innovative design always develops in tandem with innovative technology, and can never be an end in itself.

5.3.2. makes a product useful A product is bought to be used. It has to satisfy certain criteria, not only functional, but also psychological and aesthetic. Good design emphasises the usefulness of a product whilst disregarding anything that could possibly detract from it.

5.3.3. is aesthetic The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products we use every day affect our person and our well-being. But only well-executed objects can be beautiful.

5.3.4. makes a product understandable It clarifies the product’s structure. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory.

5.3.5. is unobtrusive Products fulfilling a purpose are like tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained, to leave room for the user’s self-expression.

5.3.6. is honest It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.

5.3.7. is long-lasting It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated. Unlike fashionable design, it lasts many years – even in today’s throwaway society.

5.3.8. IS THOROUGH, DOWN TO THE LAST DETAIL Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the consumer.

5.3.9. ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment. It conserves resources and minimises physical and visual pollution throughout the lifecycle of the product.

5.3.10. IS AS LITTLE DESIGN AS POSSIBLE Less, but better – because it concentrates on the essential aspects, and the products are not burdened with non-essentials.

6. Program or be programmed

6.1. Douglas Rushkoff

6.2. link

6.3. content

6.3.1. TIME - Do Not Be "Always On"

6.3.2. PLACE - Live in Person

6.3.3. CHOICE - You May Always Choose “None of the Above”

6.3.4. COMPLEXITY - You Are Never Completely Right

6.3.5. SCALE - One Size Does Not Fit All

6.3.6. IDENTITY - Be Yourself

6.3.7. SOCIAL - Do Not Sell Your Friends

6.3.8. FACT - Tell the Truth

6.3.9. OPENNESS - Share, Don’t Steal

6.3.10. PURPOSE - Program or Be Programmed

7. Good Brands 2010

7.1. PSFK

7.2. link

7.3. 10 Key Learnings

7.3.1. Constant innovation and experimentation

7.3.2. Re-imagine the world

7.3.3. Create the game you want to play

7.3.4. Live your brand & teach others about it

7.3.5. Build value By sharing Knowledge

7.3.6. Align around good

7.3.7. React daily

7.3.8. Rather than a product to purchase, provide a mentality to buy

7.3.9. Present products as stories

7.3.10. Partner with Likeminded brands to create improved products & services

8. Ten faces of innovation

8.1. Tom Kelley

8.2. link

8.3. content

8.3.1. The Learning Personas The Anthropologist is rarely stationary. Rather, this is the person who ventures into the field to observe how people interact with products, services, and experiences in order to come up with new innovations The Anthropologist is extremely good at reframing a problem in a new way, humanizing the scientific method to apply it to daily life. Anthropologists share such distinguishing characteristics as the wisdom to observe with a truly open mind; empathy; intuition; the ability to "see" things that have gone unnoticed; a tendency to keep running lists of innovative concepts worth emulating and problems that need solving; and a way of seeking inspiration in unusual places. The Experimenter celebrates the process, not the tool, testing and retesting potential scenarios to make ideas tangible. A calculated risk-taker, this person models everything from products to services to proposals in order to efficiently reach a solution. To share the fun of discovery, the Experimenter invites others to collaborate, while making sure that the entire process is saving time and money. The Cross-Pollinator draws associations and connections between seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts to break new ground. Armed with a wide set of interests, an avid curiosity, and an aptitude for learning and teaching, the Cross-Pollinator brings in big ideas from the outside world to enliven their organization. People in this role can often be identified by their open mindedness, diligent note-taking, tendency to think in metaphors, and ability to reap inspiration from constraints.

8.3.2. The Organizing Personas The Hurdler is a tireless problem-solver who gets a charge out of tackling something that's never been done before. When confronted with a challenge, the Hurdler gracefully sidesteps the obstacle while maintaining a quiet, positive determination. This optimism and perseverance can help big ideas upend the status quo as well as turn setbacks into an organization's greatest successes—despite doomsday forecasting by shortsighted experts. The Collaborator is the rare person who truly values the team over the individual. In the interest of getting things done, the Collaborator coaxes people out of their work silos to form multidisciplinary teams. In doing so, the person in this role dissolves traditional boundaries within organizations and creates opportunities for team members to assume new roles. More of a coach than a boss, the Collaborator instills their team with the confidence and skills needed to complete the shared journey. The Director has an acute understanding of the bigger picture, with a firm grasp on the pulse of their organization. Subsequently, the Director is talented at setting the stage, targeting opportunities, bringing out the best in their players, and getting things done. Through empowerment and inspiration, the person in this role motivates those around them to take center stage and embrace the unexpected.

8.3.3. The Building Personas The Set Designer looks at every day as a chance to liven up their workspace. They promote energetic, inspired cultures by creating work environments that celebrate the individual and stimulate creativity. To keep up with shifting needs and foster continuous innovation, the Set Designer makes adjustments to a physical space to balance private and collaborative work opportunities. In doing so, this person makes space itself one of an organization's most versatile and powerful tools. The Storyteller captures our imagination with compelling narratives of initiative, hard work, and innovation. This person goes beyond oral tradition to work in whatever medium best fits their skills and message: video, narrative, animation, even comic strips. By rooting their stories in authenticity, the Storyteller can spark emotion and action, transmit values and objectives, foster collaboration, create heroes, and lead people and organizations into the future. The Caregiver is the foundation of human-powered innovation. Through empathy, they work to understand each individual customer and create a relationship. Whether a nurse in a hospital, a salesperson in a retail shop, or a teller at an international financial institution, the Caregiver guides the client through the process to provide them with a comfortable, human-centered experience. The Experience Architect is that person relentlessly focused on creating remarkable individual experiences. This person facilitates positive encounters with your organization through products, services, digital interactions, spaces, or events. Whether an architect or a sushi chef, the Experience Architect maps out how to turn something ordinary into something distinctive—even delightful—every chance they get.

9. compiled by Christof Zürn




9.2.2. link

9.2.3. Manifesto You cannot ‘not brand’. Everything a brand or person does will add up to its identity. Take the big picture. Be clear about what you are and what you want. Listen to the people. Don’t do literally what people say, observe their behaviour and translate it. Get to know all the facts. There never is too much information, only a lack of focus. Everyone is right. Many people, many perspectives. They may all be right, but not necessarily relevant. Best idea wins. Good ideas often come from individuals, it needs teams to make them great. Experiment while working. Try things you have never tried before. You are not alone. Working in a team is fun and helps to understand multiple perspectives. Stick to the concept. Along the way there are a lot of temptations, go your own way. If they make sense, adapt them. Think like a musician. Compose, invent, innovate, orchestrate, prepare, communicate, rehearse, improvise, entertain, listen, play, perform – don’t give a damn.

9.3. any suggestions?

9.3.1. @ChristofZuern

10. 10 Laws of Productivity

10.1. the 99 percent by Behance

10.2. Link

10.3. 10 Laws

10.3.1. 1. Break the seal of hesitation.

10.3.2. 2. Start small.

10.3.3. 3. Protoype, prototype, prototype.

10.3.4. 4. Create simple objectives for projects, and revisit them regularly.

10.3.5. 5. Work on your project a little bit each day.

10.3.6. 6. Develop a routine.

10.3.7. 7. Break big, long-term projects into smaller chunks or “phases.”

10.3.8. 8. Prune away superfluous meetings (and their attendees).

10.3.9. 9. Practice saying “No.”

10.3.10. 10. Remember that rules – even productivity rules – are made to be broken.

11. 10 design lessons

11.1. Frederick Law Olmsted

11.1.1. father of American landscape architecture

11.2. link

11.3. 10 lessons

11.3.1. Respect “the genius of a place.”

11.3.2. Subordinate details to the whole.

11.3.3. The art is to conceal art.

11.3.4. Aim for the unconscious.

11.3.5. Avoid fashion for fashion’s sake.

11.3.6. Formal training isn’t required.

11.3.7. Words matter.

11.3.8. Stand for something.

11.3.9. Utility trumps ornament.

11.3.10. Never too much, hardly enough.

12. 7 Principles of Holistic Product Design

12.1. Yves Béhar

12.2. link

12.3. content

12.3.1. Start with questions, not answers.

12.3.2. Deliver more, not less.

12.3.3. Create your own theories.

12.3.4. Use 360 degree design.

12.3.5. Reinvent the business model.

12.3.6. Do better.

12.3.7. Look for what you want that everyone else wants.