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Gregoire Cosendai por Mind Map: Gregoire Cosendai

1. TEDx Vienna

1.1. Legend

1.1.1. Use the + and - icons to expand/collapse nodes

1.1.2. Hover over the circle with lines to read attached notes

1.1.3. The forward pointing arrow indicates a link associated with the node

2. Hopes of restoring vision to the blind

2.1. It's a lot of hard work

2.1.1. on both sides Doctor Patient

2.2. The Eye

2.2.1. One of our most advanced senses

2.2.2. The Iris The conjuntive The Pupil

2.2.3. 50% of all the cells in an eye are located in the Macula

2.3. 45 Million blind people in the world

2.3.1. Most adapt very well

2.3.2. people don't need help to help them do things they need help to help them do things easier

2.4. When we find ways to help blind people, we help everyone

2.5. The largest cause of blindness is cataracts

2.5.1. Macular degeneration

2.5.2. Trachoma

2.5.3. Glaucoma

2.5.4. Diabetic Retinopathy

2.5.5. Retinitis Pigmentosa Currently no cure Cells degenerate Hereditary condition

2.6. How does Blindness progress with RP?

2.6.1. Night vision loss by age 20

2.6.2. Peripheral vision is gone by 30

2.6.3. Legal Blindness by age 40

2.7. How to treat RP?

2.7.1. Repair Genes

2.7.2. Slow the disease

2.7.3. Regenerate Photo receptors

2.7.4. Make other cells perceive light

2.8. Bypass Retina

2.8.1. Light comes into retina signal goes to the brain

2.8.2. cones and rods no longer work zap them with electrical current?

2.8.3. Patient wears a camera on their glasses signal talks to implant in the eye via radio cells on the surface of the retina are then activated

2.8.4. Most successful patients can fully read 10 %

2.8.5. Shape recognition

2.8.6. locate objects

2.8.7. detect motion

2.9. To date: 30 people have received implant

2.9.1. 11 centers around the world

2.9.2. there's always risk involved

2.10. What Now?

2.10.1. Treatment for the most sever patients

2.10.2. The treatment is just a start

2.10.3. Hope for all people with RP

2.10.4. Is going to be a revolution

2.10.5. Please take care of your eyes!!!