Lung Cancer

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Lung Cancer by Mind Map: Lung Cancer

1. Complications

1.1. Coughing/ spitting up blood

1.2. Shortness of breath

1.3. Pain

1.4. Fluid in chest

1.5. Cancer that spreads to other parts of the body

2. Testing

2.1. Lab work

2.2. Xray

2.3. Sputum Cultures

2.4. Tissue Sample

3. Stages

3.1. Stage 1

3.1.1. Cancer is limited to the lung and hasn't spread to the lymph nodes, tumor is smaller the 2 inches

3.2. Stage 2

3.2.1. Tumor may be greater then 2 inches but involving other structures such as chest wall or diaphragm, my have spreed to lymph nodes

3.3. Stage 3

3.3.1. Tumor is at the stage to have grown very large and have invaded other organs near the lungs, this may be accompanied by other cancer cells in the lymph nodes further away from the lungs

3.4. Stage 4

3.4.1. Cancer has spreed threw out the lung and into the other lung and or into distant parts of the body

4. Treatments

4.1. Surgery to remove Tumor or affected part of the body

4.2. Chemotherapy

4.3. Radiation therapy

4.4. Targeted drug therapy

4.5. lobecadectomy

4.5.1. Removing affected part of lung

5. 3 Main Typles Of Lung Cancer

5.1. Non-small cell

5.1.1. This is the most common type of Lung cancer effecting 85% of patients with lung cancer

5.2. Small cell

5.2.1. Also referred to as oat cell cancer effecting 10-15% lung cancers this is the feistiest growing type of lung cancer

5.3. Lung Carcinoid Cancer

5.3.1. Less then 5% of lung cancers are carcinoid tumors. Most of these tumors grow slowly and rarely spread

6. Preventitives

6.1. No smoking

6.2. Eat healthy and be active

6.3. Be safe in the sun

6.4. Early cancer screenings

6.5. Check your home for radon

7. Symptomes

7.1. New cough that does not go away "smokers cough", coughing up blood

7.2. Hoarsness

7.3. Headache

7.4. Shortness of breath/ Chest pain

7.5. Rapid loss of weight, weakness

8. causes

8.1. Smoking/ second hand smoke

8.2. Family History

8.3. Environmental Exposures