2009-2010 Cultivating Meaningful Use of Technology Through:

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2009-2010 Cultivating Meaningful Use of Technology Through: by Mind Map: 2009-2010 Cultivating Meaningful Use of Technology Through:

1. Partnerships

1.1. ATA

1.1.1. Led ATA PD Council PD series

1.2. School Districts

1.2.1. Embedded PD David Thompson Middle School-Calgary

1.2.2. Support Canadian Rockies SD Chinooks Edge SD

1.2.3. Research Calgary Girls School project initiated

1.3. College of Alberta Superintendents (CASS)

1.4. University of Calgary

1.4.1. Met with Dr. Dennis Sumara (new Dean of the Faculty of Education)

2. Program Development

2.1. SMART Board

2.2. Professional Learning Networks (PLN's)

2.3. New Teachers (Webinar series)

2.4. Emerging Literacies

2.5. Research 2.0- Canmore

2.6. Science Webinar series

2.7. Salon Discussion series (Part 1 &2)

2.8. Integration of Web 2.0 into Math

3. Research

3.1. Developing a Up to Date Research Base and Scanning for Trends via:

3.1.1. Google Reader

3.1.2. Twitter

3.1.3. Books

3.1.4. Research Reports (ISTE, Teachers College, SAGE etc)

3.1.5. Attendance at online Conferences (K-12 Online Conference, EDUCON 2.0)

3.2. Action Research

3.2.1. David Thompson Middle School (Calgary)

3.3. Interviewed Cohort participants

4. DL Consultant Capacity Building

4.1. Attended Elluminate tutorials

4.2. Attended SMART PD in Calgary (2 days)

4.3. Attended SMART Certification Course (3 days)

4.4. Led SMART Humanities Cohorts

4.5. Led Emerging Literacies Cohort

4.6. Led f2f Web 2.0 Sessions (Calgary, Didsbury, Olds, Ponoka, Camrose, Grande Prairies and Peace River

5. Leadership

5.1. Teacher's Conventions presenations

5.1.1. Edmonton Teachers Convention (CARC sponsored)

5.1.2. Private School Convention

5.1.3. Charter SchoolConvention

5.1.4. Mighty Peace Teacher's Convention- Grande Prairie

5.2. Reaching and Teaching

5.2.1. Planned for Chris Toy presentation- Inquiry

5.3. BrendaDee's Daily Learning in 2010 (Blog)

5.4. Modelled the Use of Emerging Technologies

5.4.1. Met weekly via Elluminate with ARPDC DL consultants

5.4.2. Used Elluminate for PD session planning

5.4.3. Provided Elluminate PD for K&E leadership

5.4.4. Twitter

5.4.5. Led PD series via Elluminate

5.4.6. Created a Ning for leadership cohorts

5.4.7. Introduced Delicious (social bookmarking)to all cohorts and session participants

5.5. College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS) presentation

5.6. Presented at the Alberta Social Studies Conference - Lake Louise

6. e-Learning Resources

6.1. Creation of 4 French Vignettes(for posting on CRC wiki)

6.2. Social Studies Resources (CRC web site)

6.3. Digital Citizenship Symposium Report Out (wiki)

6.4. CRC Session wikis

6.5. Cohort work vetted

6.6. Archived Elluminate sessions

7. How Do We Know We Made a Difference?

7.1. Interviews

7.2. Cohort Work Examples