Emma WilliamsTablets

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Emma WilliamsTablets by Mind Map: Emma WilliamsTablets

1. Apple's I-pad

1.1. Operating System: AppleOSi 3.2.2

1.2. CPU:Apple A4 (10 GHz)

1.3. Storage: 16, 32, 64GB

1.4. Size:9.56'x7.47'x0.53' and 1.5 lbs

2. Samsung Galaxy Tab

2.1. Operation system:Android 2.2

2.2. CPU: ARM cortexA8(1.0GHz)

2.3. Storage: 16, 32 GB

2.4. Size: 7.48'x4.74'x0.47'and 0.84 lbs

3. Fusion Garage Joojoo

3.1. Operation system:GNULinux

3.2. CPU:Intel AtomN270(1.6 GHz)

3.3. Storage:4 GB

3.4. Size: 12.8'x7.8'x0.74' and 2.4 lbs

4. Archos 101

4.1. Operation system: Android 2.2

4.2. CPU:ARM CortexA8(1.0GHz)

4.3. Storage:8, 16 GB

4.4. Size:10.63'x5.9'x0.47' and 1.06 lbs

4.5. I would buy this one if I was looking for a tablet, it is big enough so I could hit something on the screen and actually hit thing I was trying to.

5. Notion Ink Adam

5.1. Operation system: Android2.2

5.2. CPU:ARM CortexA9 Duel core(1.0GHz)

5.3. Storage: 16, 32 GB

5.4. Size:9.8'x 6.3'x0.55' and1.7 lbs